Mysql 简明教程

MySQL Tutorial

MySQL Tutorial

MySQL 是最流行且免费的开源关系数据库管理系统 (RDBMS)。RDBMS 系统以可能彼此相关联的表格形式存储数据。MySQL 使用结构化查询语言 (SQL) 存储、管理和检索数据,并控制对数据的访问。它是用于开发基于 Web 的软件应用程序的最佳 RDBMS 之一。

MySQL is the most popular and a free Open Source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). An RDBMS system stores the data in the form of tables that might be related to each other. MySQL uses Structured Query Language (SQL) to store, manage and retrieve data, and control the accessibility to the data. It is one of the best RDBMS being used for developing web-based software applications.

MySQL 使用 C 和 C++ 编写。其 SQL 解析器是用 yacc 编写的,但它使用内部词法分析器。

MySQL is written in C and C++. Its SQL parser is written in yacc, but it uses a home-brewed lexical analyzer.

本教程将为您快速入门 MySQL,让您轻松掌握 MySQL 编程。

This tutorial will give you quick start with MySQL and make you comfortable with MySQL programming.

MySQL Examples

考虑在 MySQL 数据库中创建的示例表 CUSTOMERS。此表包含客户详细信息,如 ID、NAME、AGE、ADDRESS、SALARY。

Consider an example table CUSTOMERS created in the MySQL database. This table contains the details of customers like ID, NAME, AGE, ADDRESS, SALARY.

由于 MySQL 使用 SQL 管理数据,它还使用几乎所有 DDL、DML 和 DCL 语句。例如,以下 DML 语句列出了所有 25 岁客户的记录。

Since MySQL uses SQL to manage data, it also uses almost all DDL, DML and DCL statements. For instance, the following DML statement lists the records of all customers who are 25 years old.


以下记录以结果集形式显示 −

Following records are displayed as a result-set −

MySQL Online Editor

在本教程中,我们提供了一个 MySQL 在线编辑器,可帮助您直接从浏览器编辑和执行 MySQL 代码。单击图标以运行以下 MySQL 代码,以便在 CUSTOMERS 表上执行并检索与给定条件匹配的记录。

In this tutorial, we provide a MySQL Online Editor which helps you to Edit and Execute the MySQL code directly from your browser. Click on the icon to run the following MySQL code to be executed on the CUSTOMERS table and retrieve the records matching with the given condition.


此在线编辑器将为您节省安装 MySQL 设置以执行任何查询的时间。立即尝试我们的 MySQL Online Editor

This Online Editor will save you the time to install the MySQL setup in order to execute any query. Try our MySQL Online Editor now.

Why to Learn MySQL?

与其他关系数据库相比,MySQL 通常更快、更安全且更高效。世界上增长最快的组织中的一些利用 MySQL 来高效地为其大容量网站、业务关键型系统和软件包提供支持。

MySQL is generally faster, more secure and efficient than other relational databases. Some of world’s fastest growing organizations make use of MySQL to efficiently power their high-volume web sites, business-critical systems and packaged software.

但是,您是否为您的应用程序选择 MySQL 完全取决于您组织的资源和目标。通常情况下,MySQL 被没有大数据集的小型企业使用,因为其成本效益和简单的设置。

However, whether you choose MySQL for your application or not, totally depends on your organization’s resources and aim. Usually, MySQL is used by smaller businesses that do not have large data sets, because of its cost efficiency and simple setup.

MySQL Jobs and Opportunities

随着越来越多的组织使用此开源数据库系统进行高效的数据管理,MySQL 专业人员的需求量很大。如果您具备技能,您每年可以赚取约 150,000 美元的平均工资,但这可能会根据您的所在地、经验和工作角色而有所不同。

MySQL professionals are in high demand as more and more organizations are using this open-source database system for efficient data management. If you have the skills, you could earn an average salary of around $150,000 per year, but it can vary depending on your location, experience, and job role.

以下是积极寻找 MySQL 专家以担任数据库管理员、数据库开发人员、数据库测试人员、数据科学家、ETL 开发人员、数据库迁移专家、云数据库专家等角色的顶级公司。他们需要能够管理和优化数据库、构建数据驱动的应用程序并从大型数据集中提取见解的人员 −

Here are some of the top companies actively looking for MySQL experts for roles like Database Administrator, Database Developer, Database Tester, Data Scientist, ETL Developer, Database Migration Expert, Cloud Database Expert, and more. They need people who can manage and optimize their databases, build data-driven applications, and extract insights from large datasets −

  1. Google

  2. Amazon

  3. Netflix

  4. Infosys

  5. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS)

  6. Tech Mahindra

  7. Wipro

  8. Pinterest

  9. Uber

  10. Wipro

  11. Trello

  12. And many more…​

首先,您可以使用我们易于上手的教程,它们旨在帮助您学习 MySQL 并准备技术面试或认证考试。您可以随时随地以自己的节奏学习。

To get started, you can use our user-friendly tutorials, which are designed to help you learn MySQL and prepare for technical interviews or certification exams. You can learn at your own pace, anytime and anywhere.

凭借恰当的 MySQL 技能和知识,您可在不断扩展的数据化管理和分析领域开启令人向往的事业。您将成为推动创新和以数据为基础的决策制定的一些全球最为知名的公司的专业人士之一。

With the right MySQL skills and knowledge, you can kickstart a rewarding career in the ever-expanding field of data management and analytics. You could be the part of the professionals who are driving innovation and data-driven decision-making in some of the world’s most renowned companies.

Who Should Learn MySQL

本 MySQL 教程已为初学者准备,可帮助他们理解 MySQL 数据库相关的基础知识和进阶概念。

This MySQL tutorial has been prepared for beginners to help them understand the basics to advanced concepts related to MySQL database.

Prerequisites to Learn MySQL

在您开始使用本参考中的各种类型示例进行练习之前,我假定您已了解什么是数据库,尤其是 RDBMS 以及什么是计算机编程语言。

Before you start doing practice with various types of examples given in this reference, I’m making an assumption that you are already aware about what is database, especially RDBMS and what is a computer programming language.

Frequently Asked Questions about MySQL

以下是关于 MySQL 的一些常见问题 (FAQ),本部分会尝试简单解答这些问题。

Following are very Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) about MySQL, and this section tries to answer them briefly.