Mysql 简明教程

MySQL - Features

MySQL 是一种关系型数据库,它基于结构化查询语言 (SQL) 查询存储和管理数据。因此,使其成为一个结构化数据库,即此关系数据库中存储的数据采用表格的形式。

MySQL is a type of relational database that stores and manages the data based on Structured Query Language (SQL) queries. Thus, making it a structured database, i.e., the data stored in this relational databases is in the form of tables.

它是一种快速易用的 RDBMS,被许多小型和大型企业所使用,它是由一家名为 MySQL AB 的瑞典公司开发、销售和支持的。

It is a fast, easy-to-use RDBMS being used for many small and big businesses, it is developed, marketed and supported by a Swedish Company called MySQL AB.

Features of MySQL

MySQL 被认为是最流行的关系型数据库之一的主要原因之一是它具有丰富特性。让我们逐一了解它们 −

One of the major reasons MySQL is considered one of the most popular relational databases is because of its abundant features. Let us look at them one by one −


MySQL 是一种开源,这意味着任何人都可以下载、使用和修改此软件。它是免费使用且易于理解的。可以研究 MySQL 的源代码,并根据要求进行更改。它使用 GPL,即 GNU 通用公共许可证,该许可证定义了有关可以使用和不能使用应用程序做什么的规则和条例。

MySQL is open-source, which means this software can be downloaded, used and modified by anyone. It is free-to-use and easy-to-understand. The source code of MySQL can be studied, and changed based on the requirements. It uses GPL, i.e. GNU General Public license which defines rules and regulations regarding what can and can’t be done using the application.

Quick and Reliable

MySQL 以高效的方式将数据存储在内存中,确保数据一致且无冗余。因此,使用 MySQL 访问和处理数据很快。它还被认为是最快的关系型数据库,同时具有更高的生产力。

MySQL stores data efficiently in the memory ensuring that data is consistent, and not redundant. Hence, data access and manipulation using MySQL is quick. It is considered one of the fastest relational databases with higher productivity as well.

High Performance

MySQL 提供了相对更高的性能,而不会影响其功能。它的内存泄漏也非常少,因此它也很省内存。

MySQL provides comparatively higher performance without affecting its functionality. It also has a very little memory leakage making it memory efficient as well.


可伸缩性是指系统易于处理少量数据、大量数据、机器群集等的能力。MySQL 服务器的开发是为了处理大型数据库。

Scalability refers to the ability of systems to work easily with small amounts of data, large amounts of data, clusters of machines, and so on. MySQL server was developed to work with large databases.

Data Types


It contains multiple data types such as unsigned integers, signed integers, float (FLOAT), double (DOUBLE), character (CHAR), variable character (VARCHAR), text, blob, date, time, datetime, timestamp, year, and so on.

Character Sets

它支持不同的字符集,其中包括 Latin1(CP1252 字符编码)、德语、Ujis、其他 Unicode 字符集等。

It supports different character sets, and this includes latin1 (cp1252 character encoding), German, Ujis, other Unicode character sets and so on.



It provides a secure interface since it has a password system which is flexible, and ensures that it is verified based on the host before accessing the database. The password is encrypted while connecting to the server.

Support for large databases

它支持大型数据库,其中可包含大约 4000 万到 5000 万条记录、15 万到 20 万个表,以及多达 5,000,000,000 行。

It comes with support for large databases, which could contain about 40 to 50 million records, 150,000 to 200,000 tables and up to 5,000,000,000 rows.

Platform Independent

MySQL 可以在各种操作系统上运行,包括 Windows、Linux、macOS 等,并可以使用多种编程语言,如 C、C++、Java、Python、Perl、PHP 等。

MySQL can be run on various operating systems including Windows, Linux, macOS etc. in several programming languages like C, C++, Java, Python, Perl, PHP etc.

Client and Utility Programs

MySQL 服务器还附带了许多客户端和实用程序。其中包括命令行程序(例如“mysqladmin”)和图形程序(例如“MySQL Workbench”)。MySQL 客户端程序是用各种语言编写的。客户端库(封装在模块中的代码)可以使用 C 或 C++ 编写,并且可供具有 C 绑定的客户端使用。

MySQL server also comes with many client and utility programs. This includes Command line programs such as 'mysqladmin' and graphical programs such as 'MySQL Workbench'. MySQL client programs are written in a variety of languages. Client library (code encapsulated in a module) can be written in C or C++ and would be available for clients that have C bindings.