Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Architecture
OBIEE 体系结构包含各种 BI 系统组件,这些组件对于处理最终用户的请求是必不可少的。
OBIEE Architecture involves various BI system components which are required to process the end user’s request.
How OBIEE System Actually Works?
最终用户发出的初始请求被发送至演示服务器。演示服务器将该请求转换为逻辑 SQL,并将其转发给 BI 服务器组件。BI 服务器将其转换为物理 SQL,并将其发送至数据库以获取所需的结果。此结果通过相同方式呈现给最终用户。
The initial request from the end user is sent to the Presentation server. The Presentation server converts this request in logical SQL and forwards it to BI server component. BI server converts this into physical SQL and sends it to database to get the required result. This result is presented to the end user through the same way.
以下图表详细展示了 OBIEE 体系结构:
The following diagram shows detailed OBIEE Architecture −
OBIEE 体系结构包含 Java 和非 Java 组件。Java 组件是 Web Logic Server 组件,非 Java 组件称为 Oracle BI 系统组件。
OBIEE Architecture contains Java and non-Java components. Java components are Web Logic Server components and non-Java components are called Oracle BI system component.

Web Logic Server
OBIEE 系统的部分包含管理服务器和托管服务器。管理服务器负责管理托管服务器的启动和停止进程。托管服务器由 BI 插件、安全性、发布者、SOA、BI Office 等组成。
This part of OBIEE system contains Admin Server and Managed Server. Admin server is responsible for managing the start and stop processes for Managed server. Managed Server comprises of BI Plugin, Security, Publisher, SOA, BI Office, etc.
Node Manager
Node Manager triggers the auto start, stop, restart activities and provides process management activities for Admin and Managed server.
Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN)
OPMN 用于启动和停止 BI 系统的所有组件,受 Oracle Fusion Middleware Controller 管理和控制。
OPMN is used to start and stop all components of BI system. It is managed and controlled by Fusion Middleware Controller.
Oracle BI System Components
这些是 OBIEE 系统中的非 Java 组件。
These are non-Java components in an OBIEE system.
Oracle BI Server
这是 Oracle BI 系统的核心,负责提供数据和查询访问功能。
This is the heart of Oracle BI system and is responsible for providing data and query access capabilities.
BI Presentation Server
负责将 BI 服务器中的数据提供给最终用户请求的 Web 客户端。
It is responsible to present data from BI server to web clients which is requested by the end users.
此组件提供 BI 系统中的计划功能,并且具有自己的调度程序,用于计划 OBIEE 系统中的作业。
This component provides scheduling capability in BI system and it has its own scheduler to schedule jobs in OBIEE system.