Obiee 简明教程
OBIEE – Testing Repository
您可以使用一致性检查选项来检查存储库是否有错误。完成后,下一步是将存储库加载到 Oracle BI Server 中。然后通过运行 Oracle BI 分析并验证结果来测试存储库。
You can check the repository for errors by using the consistency checking option. Once it is done, next step is to load the repository into Oracle BI Server. Then test the repository by running an Oracle BI analysis and verifying the results.
Go to File → click on Check Global Consistency → You will receive the following message → Click Yes.

单击确定后→BMM 下的业务模型将变为绿色→单击再次保存存储库而不检查全局一致性。
Once you click OK → Business model under BMM will change to Green → Click on save the repository without checking global consistency again.
Disable Caching
为了提高查询性能,建议禁用 BI 服务器缓存选项。
To improve query performance, it is advised to disable BI server cache option.
打开浏览器并输入以下 URL 以打开 Fusion Middleware Control Enterprise Manager:[role="bare"] [role="bare"]http://<machine name>:7001/em
Open a browser and enter the following URL to open Fusion Middleware Control Enterprise Manager: [role="bare"]http://<machine name>:7001/em
Enter the user name and password. Click Login.
在左侧,展开业务智能 → coreapplication → 容量管理选项卡 → 性能。
On the left side, expand Business Intelligence → coreapplication → Capacity Management tab → Performance.

默认情况下选中启用 BI 服务器缓存部分→单击锁定并编辑配置→关闭。
Enable BI Server Cache section is by default checked → Click on Lock and Edit Configuration → Close.

Now deselect cache enabled option. It is used to improve query performance. Go to Apply → Activate Changes → Completed Successfully.
Load the Repository
转至部署选项卡 → 存储库 → 锁定并编辑配置 → 成功完成。
Go to Deployment tab → Repository → Lock and Edit Configuration → Completed Successfully.

单击上传 BI 服务器存储库部分→浏览以打开选择文件对话框→选择存储库 .rpd 文件,然后单击打开→输入存储库密码→应用→激活更改。
Click on Upload BI Server Repository section → Browse to open the Choose file dialog box → select the Repository .rpd file and click Open → Enter Repository password → Apply → Activate Changes.

Activate Changes → Completed Successfully → Click on Restart to apply recent changes option at the top → Click Yes.

Repository is successfully created and loaded for query analysis.
Enable Query Logging
您可以在 OBIEE 中为各个用户设置查询日志级别。日志级别控制您将在日志文件中检索的信息。
You can set up query logging level for individual users in OBIEE. Logging level controls the information that you will retrieve in log file.
Set Up Query Logging
Open the Administration tool → Go to File → Open → Online.
联机模式用于在 Oracle BI 服务器中编辑存储库。若要在联机模式下打开存储库,您的 Oracle BI 服务器应正在运行。
Online mode is used to edit the repository in Oracle BI server. To open a repository in online mode, your Oracle BI server should be running.

Enter the Repository password and user name password to login and click Open to open the repository.

转到管理→身份→安全管理器窗口将打开。单击左侧的 BI 存储库,然后双击管理用户→用户对话框将打开。
Go to Manage → Identity → Security Manager Window will open. Click BI Repository on the left side and double-click on Administrative user → User dialogue box will open.

Click User tab in user dialogue box, you can set logging levels here.
在正常情况下 − 用户的记录级别设置为 0,管理员的记录级别设置为 2。记录级别的值介于 0 级到 5 级。0 级表示无记录,5 级表示最大记录级别信息。
In normal scenario − The user has a logging level set to 0 and the administrator has a logging level set to 2. Logging level can have values starting from Level 0 to level 5. Level 0 means no logging and Level 5 means maximum logging level information.
Logging Level Descriptions
Level 0 |
No logging |
Level 1 |
Logs the SQL statement issued from the client application Logs elapsed times for query compilation, query execution, query cache processing, and back-end database processing Logs the query status (success, failure, termination, or timeout). Logs the users ID, session ID, and request ID for each query |
Level 2 |
Logs everything logged in Level 1 Additionally, for each query, logs the repository name, business model name, presentation catalog (called Subject Area in Answer) name, SQL for the queries issued against physical databases, queries issued against the cache, number of rows returned from each query against a physical database and from queries issued against the cache, and the number of rows returned to the client application |
Level 3 |
Logs everything logged in Level 2 Additionally, adds a log entry for the logical query plan, when a query that was supposed to seed the cache was not inserted into the cache, when existing cache entries are purged to make room for the current query, and when the attempt to udate the exact match hit detector fails |
Level 4 |
Logs everything logged in Level 3 Additionally, logs the query execution plan. |
Level 5 |
Logs everything logged in Level 4 Additionally, logs intermediate row counts at various points in the execution plan. |
To Set Logging Level
In user dialogue box, enter value for logging level.

Once you click OK, it will open the checkout dialogue box. Click Checkout. Close the Security Manager.

转到文件 → 单击检入更改 → 使用顶部的保存选项保存数据仓库 → 采用更改 → 单击确定。
Go to file → Click on check-in changes → Save the repository using the Save option at the top → To take changes in effect → Click OK.

Use Query Log to Verify Queries
您可以在设置查询记录级别后通过转到 Oracle Enterprise Manager 查看查询日志,这有助于验证查询。
You can check query logs once query logging level is set by going to Oracle Enterprise Manager and this helps to verify queries.
通过转到 Oracle Enterprise Manager OEM 检查查询日志以验证查询。
To check the query logs to verify queries, go to Oracle Enterprise Manager OEM.
转到诊断选项卡 → 单击日志消息。
Go to diagnostic tab → click Log messages.

Scroll down to bottom in log messages to see Server, Scheduler, Action Services and other log details. Click on Server log to open log messages box.
您可以选择各种筛选器 − 日期范围、消息类型及消息包含/不包含字段等,如下面的快照所示 −
You can select various filters − Date Range, Message types and message contains/not contains fields, etc. as shown in the following snapshot −

Once you click on search, it will show log messages as per filters.

Clicking on collapse button allows you to check details of all log messages for queries.