Php 简明教程
PHP 几乎可以与所有数据库软件一起使用,包括 Oracle 和 Sybase,但最常用的是免费提供的 MySQL 数据库。
PHP will work with virtually all database software, including Oracle and Sybase but most commonly used is freely available MySQL database.
What you should already have ?
You have gone through MySQL tutorial to understand MySQL Basics.
Downloaded and installed a latest version of MySQL.
Created database user guest with password guest123.
If you have not created a database then you would need root user and its password to create a database.
我们已将本章分为以下几个部分 −
We have divided this chapter in the following sections −
Connecting to MySQL database − Learn how to use PHP to open and close a MySQL database connection.
Create MySQL Database Using PHP − This part explains how to create MySQL database and tables using PHP.
Delete MySQL Database Using PHP − This part explains how to delete MySQL database and tables using PHP.
Insert Data To MySQL Database − Once you have created your database and tables then you would like to insert your data into created tables. This session will take you through real example on data insert.
Retrieve Data From MySQL Database − Learn how to fetch records from MySQL database using PHP.
Using Paging through PHP − This one explains how to show your query result into multiple pages and how to create the navigation link.
Updating Data Into MySQL Database − This part explains how to update existing records into MySQL database using PHP.
Deleting Data From MySQL Database − This part explains how to delete or purge existing records from MySQL database using PHP.
Using PHP To Backup MySQL Database − Learn different ways to take backup of your MySQL database for safety purpose.