Php 简明教程
PHP – Inheritance
Inheritance is one of the fundamental principles of object-oriented programming methodology. Inheritance is a software modelling approach that enables extending the capability of an existing class to build new class instead of building from scratch.
PHP 提供了所有功能在其对象模型中实现继承。在 PHP 软件开发中纳入继承会产生代码再利用,消除冗余的代码重复及逻辑组织。
PHP provides all the functionality to implement inheritance in its object model. Incorporating inheritance in PHP software development results in code reuse, remove redundant code duplication and logical organization.
想象一下你需要设计一个新类,这个类的大部分功能已经在一个现有类中得到明确定义。继承允许你扩展现有类,添加或移除其功能,并开发一个新类。事实上,PHP 有“extends”关键词来建立现有类和新类之间的继承关系。
Imagine that you need to design a new class whose most of the functionality already well defined in an existing class. Inheritance lets you to extend the existing class, add or remove its features and develop a new class. In fact, PHP has the "extends" keyword to establish inheritance relationship between existing and new classes.
class newclass extends oldclass {
Inheritance comes into picture when a new class (henceforth will be called inherited class, sub class, child class, etc.) possesses "IS A" relationship with an existing class (which will be called base class, super class, parent class, etc.).

在 PHP 中,当通过扩展另一个类来定义一个新类时,子类会继承来自父类的公共和受保护的方法、属性和常量。你可以自由重写继承方法的功能,否则它将按照父类中定义的那样保留其功能。
In PHP, when a new class is defined by extending another class, the subclass inherits the public and protected methods, properties and constants from the parent class. You are free to override the functionality of an inherited method, otherwise it will retain its functionality as defined in the parent class.
Take a look at the following example −
class myclass {
public function hello() {
echo "Hello from the parent class" . PHP_EOL;
public function thanks() {
echo "Thank you from parent class" . PHP_EOL;
class newclass extends myclass {
public function thanks() {
echo "Thank you from the child class" . PHP_EOL;
# object of parent class
$obj1 = new myclass;
# object of child class
$obj2 = new newclass;
它将生成以下 output −
It will produce the following output −
Hello from the parent class
Thank you from parent class
Hello from the parent class
Thank you from the child class
As mentioned before, the child class inherits public and protected members (properties and methods) of the parent. The child class may introduce additional properties or methods.
在下面的示例中,我们使用 Book class 作为父类。在这里,我们创建一个 ebook class 来扩展 Book 类。新类有一个其他属性 - format (表示电子书的文件格式 - EPUB,PDF,MOBI 等)。电子书类定义了两个新方法来初始化和输出电子书数据,分别是 getebook() 和 dispebook() 。
In the following example, we use the Book class as the parent class. Here, we create an ebook class that extends the Book class. The new class has an additional property – format (indicating ebook’s file format – EPUB, PDF, MOBI etc). The ebook class defines two new methods to initialize and output the ebbok data – getebook() and dispebook() respectively.
The complete code of inheritance example is given below −
class Book {
/* Member variables */
protected int $price;
protected string $title;
public function getbook(string $param1, int $param2) {
$this->title = $param1;
$this->price = $param2;
public function dispbook() {
echo "Title: $this->title Price: $this->price \n";
class ebook extends Book {
private string $format;
public function getebook(string $param1, int $param2, string $param3) {
$this->title = $param1;
$this->price = $param2;
$this->format = $param3;
public function dispebook() {
echo "Title: $this->title Price: $this->price\n";
echo "Format: $this->format \n";
$eb = new ebook;
$eb->getebook("PHP Fundamentals", 450, "EPUB");
浏览器 output 如下所示:
The browser output is as shown below −
Title: PHP Fundamentals Price: 450
Format: EPUB
如果你仔细查看 getebook() 函数,前两个赋值语句实际上是 getebook() 函数,而电子书类已经继承了它。因此,我们可以使用 parent 关键字和范围解析运算符调用它。
If you take a closer look at the getebook() function, the first two assignment statements are in fact there getbook() function, which the ebook class has inherited. Hence, we can call it with parent keyword and scope resolution operator.
用以下代码更改 getebook() 函数代码:
Change the getebook() function code with the following −
public function getebook(string $param1, int $param2, string $param3) {
parent::getbook($param1, $param2);
$this->format = $param3;
同样,dispebook() 函数中的第一个 echo 语句被一个调用替换,后者位于父类中调用 dispbook() 函数:
Similarly, the first echo statement in dispebook() function is replaced by a call to the dispbook() function in parent class −
public function dispebook() {
echo "Format: $this->format<br/>";
Constructor in Inheritance
The constructor in the parent class constructor is inherited by the child class but it cannot be directly called in the child class if the child class defines a constructor.
为了运行一个父构造函数,需要在子构造函数内调用 parent::__construct() 。
In order to run a parent constructor, a call to parent::__construct() within the child constructor is required.
Take a look at the following example −
class myclass{
public function __construct(){
echo "This is parent constructor". PHP_EOL;
class newclass extends myclass {
public function __construct(){
echo "This is child class destructor" . PHP_EOL;
$obj = new newclass();
它将生成以下 output −
It will produce the following output −
This is parent constructor
This is child class destructor
However, if the child does not have a constructor, then it may be inherited from the parent class just like a normal class method (if it was not declared as private).
Take a look at the following example −
class myclass{
public function __construct(){
echo "This is parent constructor". PHP_EOL;
class newclass extends myclass{ }
$obj = new newclass();
它将生成以下 output −
It will produce the following output −
This is parent constructor
PHP 不允许通过扩展多个父类来开发一个类。你可以有 hierarchical inheritance ,其中类 B 扩展类 A,类 C 扩展类 B,以此类推。但是 PHP 不支持 multiple inheritance ,其中类 C 试图同时扩展类 A 和类 B。然而,我们可以扩展一个类并实现一个或多个 interfaces 。我们将在后续章节之一中学习关于接口的内容。
PHP doesn’t allow developing a class by extending more than one parents. You can have hierarchical inheritance, wherein class B extends class A, class C extends class B, and so on. But PHP doesn’t support multiple inheritance where class C tries to extend both class A and class B. We can however extend one class and implement one or more interfaces. We shall learn about interfaces in one of the subsequent chapters.