Php 简明教程
PHP - Complete Form
本章将表单验证和提取 HTML 表单数据的所有概念放入 PHP 代码中。下面给出的完整表单处理代码分三个部分:开始时的 PHP 代码部分,当表单提交时寻找任何验证错误;HTML 表单,带有各种元素,例如文本字段、单选按钮、选择控件、复选框等。第三部分又是一段 PHP 代码,它呈现用户输入的数据。
This chapter puts all the concepts of form validation and extraction of HTML form data into PHP code. The complete form handling code given below has three sections: A PHP code section in the beginning that looks for any validation errors when the form is submitted, the HTML form with various elements such as text fields, radio buttons, Select control, checkbox, etc. The third part is again a PHP code that renders the data entered by the user.
PHP Error Tracking
The code that traps errors, is in the beginning of the entire script. Obviously, this will be executed every time the page is loaded. If it’s being loaded after the form is submitted, the following segment checks whether each element is empty, the email field is well-formed, and the checkbox is clicked (indicating that the user agrees to the terms).
// define variables and set to empty values
$nameErr = $emailErr = $genderErr = $websiteErr = "";
$name = $email = $gender = $class = $course = $subject = "";
if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
$nameErr = "Name is required";
} else {
$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
if (empty($_POST["email"])) {
$emailErr = "Email is required";
} else {
$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
// check if e-mail address is well-formed
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$emailErr = "Invalid email format";
if (empty($_POST["course"])) {
$course = "";
} else {
$course = test_input($_POST["course"]);
if (empty($_POST["class"])) {
$class = "";
} else {
$class = test_input($_POST["class"]);
if (empty($_POST["gender"])) {
$genderErr = "Gender is required";
} else {
$gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]);
if (empty($_POST["subject"])) {
$subjectErr = "You must select one or more subjects";
} else {
$subject = $_POST["subject"];
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
呈现条目表单的 HTML 脚本遵循错误捕获代码。表单设计中采用了多种元素。
The HTML script that renders an entry form, follows the error trapping code. Various for elements have been employed in the form design.
<h2>Absolute Classes Registration Form</h2>
<p><span class = "error">* required field.</span></p>
<form method = "POST" action = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>">
<input type = "text" name = "name">
<span class = "error">* <?php echo $nameErr;?></span>
<td>E-mail: </td>
<input type = "text" name = "email">
<span class = "error">* <?php echo $emailErr;?></span>
<input type = "text" name = "course">
<span class = "error"><?php echo $websiteErr;?></span>
<td><textarea name = "class" rows = "5" cols = "40"></textarea></td>
<input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "female">Female
<input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "male">Male
<span class = "error">* <?php echo $genderErr;?></span>
<select name = "subject[]" size = "4" multiple>
<option value = "Android">C</option>
<option value = "Java">Java</option>
<option value = "C#">C#</option>
<option value = "Data Base">C++</option>
<option value = "Hadoop">PHP</option>
<option value = "VB script">Python</option>
<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "checked" value = "1"></td>
<?php if(!isset($_POST['checked'])){ ?>
<span class = "error">* <?php echo "You must agree to terms";?></span>
<?php } ?>
<input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit">
请注意,表单数据已提交回同一个脚本,因此表单的 action 属性设置为 $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] 超全局。此部分还包含某些内联 PHP 代码,这些代码在各个表单控件旁边闪烁错误消息——例如,如果名称字段在提交表单时为空,则在名称文本框旁边立即显示名称必需的消息。
Note that the form data is submitted back to the same script, hence the form’s action attribute is set to $_SERVER["PHP_SELF"] superglobal. This part also contains certain inline PHP code that flashes the error messages besides the respective form control – such as Name Required message just besides the Name text box, if the name field is empty while submitting the form.
Display Form Data
脚本的第三部分又是一段 PHP 代码,它回显用户提交的每个表单字段的值。
The third part of the script is again a PHP code that echoes the values of each of the form fields submitted by the user.
echo "<h2>Your given values are as :</h2>";
echo ("<p><b>Name</b> : $name</p>");
echo ("<p><b>Email address</b> : $email</p>");
echo ("<p><b>Preffered class time</b> : $course</p>");
echo ("<p><b>Class info</b> : $class </p>");
echo ("<p><b>Gender</b> : $gender</p>");
echo "<p><b>Subjcts Chosen:</b><p>";
if (!empty($subject)) {
echo "<ul>";
for($i = 0; $i < count($subject); $i++) {
echo "<li>$subject[$i]</u/li>";
echo "</ul>";
当脚本从服务器的文档根目录运行时,此为表单中填写的示例数据 −
Here’s the sample data filled in the form when the script is run from the server’s document root folder −

当提交时, output 呈现如下所示 −
When submitted, the output is rendered as below −

处理 HTML 表单的 PHP 的完整代码如下所示 −
The complete code of PHP’s handling HTML form is as follows −
.error {color: #FF0000;}
// define variables and set to empty values
$nameErr = $emailErr = $genderErr = $websiteErr = "";
$name = $email = $gender = $class = $course = $subject = "";
if (empty($_POST["name"])) {
$nameErr = "Name is required";
}else {
$name = test_input($_POST["name"]);
if (empty($_POST["email"])) {
$emailErr = "Email is required";
} else {
$email = test_input($_POST["email"]);
// check if e-mail address is well-formed
if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL)) {
$emailErr = "Invalid email format";
if (empty($_POST["course"])) {
$course = "";
} else {
$course = test_input($_POST["course"]);
if (empty($_POST["class"])) {
$class = "";
} else {
$class = test_input($_POST["class"]);
if (empty($_POST["gender"])) {
$genderErr = "Gender is required";
} else {
$gender = test_input($_POST["gender"]);
if (empty($_POST["subject"])) {
$subjectErr = "You must select one or more subjects";
} else {
$subject = $_POST["subject"];
function test_input($data) {
$data = trim($data);
$data = stripslashes($data);
$data = htmlspecialchars($data);
return $data;
<h2>Absolute Classes Registration Form</h2>
<p><span class = "error">* required field.</span></p>
<form method = "POST" action = "<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]);?>">
<input type = "text" name = "name">
<span class = "error">* <?php echo $nameErr;?></span>
<td>E-mail: </td>
<input type = "text" name = "email">
<span class = "error">* <?php echo $emailErr;?></span>
<input type = "text" name = "course">
<span class = "error"><?php echo $websiteErr;?></span>
<td><textarea name = "class" rows = "5" cols = "40"></textarea></td>
<input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "female">Female
<input type = "radio" name = "gender" value = "male">Male
<span class = "error">* <?php echo $genderErr;?></span>
<select name = "subject[]" size = "4" multiple>
<option value = "C">C</option>
<option value = "Java">Java</option>
<option value = "C#">C#</option>
<option value = "c++">C++</option>
<option value = "PHP">PHP</option>
<option value = "Python">Python</option>
<td><input type = "checkbox" name = "checked" value = "1"></td>
<?php if(!isset($_POST['checked'])){ ?>
<span class = "error">* <?php echo "You must agree to terms";?></span>
<?php } ?>
<input type = "submit" name = "submit" value = "Submit">
echo "<h2>Your given values are as :</h2>";
echo ("<p><b>Name</b> : $name</p>");
echo ("<p><b>Email address</b> : $email</p>");
echo ("<p><b>Preffered class time</b> : $course</p>");
echo ("<p><b>Class info</b> : $class </p>");
echo ("<p><b>Gender</b> : $gender</p>");
echo "<p><b>Subjcts Chosen:</b><p>";
if (!empty($subject)) {
echo "<ul>";
for($i = 0; $i < count($subject); $i++) {
echo "<li>$subject[$i]</u/li>";
echo "</ul>";
它将生成以下 output −
It will produce the following output −