Php 简明教程
PHP – Expectations
预期是与旧的 assert() 函数向后兼容的增强功能。预期允许在生产代码中进行零成本的断言,并提供在断言失败时抛出自定义异常的能力。
Expectations are a backwards compatible enhancement to the older assert() function. Expectation allows for zero-cost assertions in production code, and provides the ability to throw custom exceptions when the assertion fails.
assert() 现在是一个语言构造,其中第一个参数与要测试的字符串或布尔值相反,是一个表达式。
assert() is now a language construct, where the first parameter is an expression as compared to being a string or Boolean to be tested.
Configuration Directives for assert()
下表列出了 assert() 函数的配置指令:
The following table lists down the configuration directives for the assert() function −
Directive |
Default value |
Possible values |
zend.assertions |
1 |
1 − generate and execute code (development mode) 0 − generate code but jump around it at runtime -1 − do not generate code (production mode) |
assert.exception |
0 |
1 − throw, when the assertion fails, either by throwing the object provided as the exception or by throwing a new AssertionError object if exception was not provided. 0 − use or generate a Throwable as described above, but only generates a warning based on that object rather than throwing it (compatible with PHP 5 behaviour) |
Assertion − The assertion. In PHP 5, this must be either a string to be evaluated or a Boolean to be tested. In PHP 7, this may also be any expression that returns a value, which will be executed and the result is used to indicate whether the assertion succeeded or failed.
Description − An optional description that will be included in the failure message, if the assertion fails.
Exception − In PHP 7, the second parameter can be a Throwable object instead of a descriptive string, in which case this is the object that will be thrown, if the assertion fails and the assert.exception configuration directive is enabled.
Take a look at the following example −
ini_set('assert.exception', 1);
class CustomError extends AssertionError {}
assert(false, new CustomError('Custom Error Message!'));
它将生成以下 output −
It will produce the following output −
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught CustomError: Custom Error Message! In test.php:6