Sql 简明教程
SQL - Statistical Functions
SQL 服务器 Statistical 函数适用于 SQL 服务器表和视图,并利用所有数据库并行性、可伸缩性、用户权限和安全方案。因此,SQL 统计函数可以包含在 SQL 查询中并公开给 SQL 查询 -
SQL server Statistical functions work on SQL server tables and views and exploit all database parallelism, scalability, user privileges and security schemes. Hence the SQL statistical functions can be included and exposed within SQL queries −
Sr.No. |
Function & Description |
1 |
@@CONNECTIONS()Returns number of attempted connections. |
2 |
@@CPU_BUSY()Returns amount of time, SQL server spent on an active operation. |
3 |
@@IDLE()returns the total idle time of this SQL server. |
4 |
@@IO_BUSY()Returns the total spent time by this SQL server on performing the input and output operations. |
5 |
@@PACK_RECEIVED()Returns the number of input packets. |
6 |
@@PACK_SENT()Returns the number of output packets. |
7 |
@@PACKET_ERRORS()Returns the number of network packet errors. |
8 |
@@TIMETICKS()Returns the number of microseconds per tick. |
9 |
@@TOTAL_ERRORS()Returns the number of disk errors. |
10 |
@@TOTAL_READ()Returns the number of disk reads. |
11 |
@@TOTOAL_WRITE()Returns the number of disk writes. |