Tableau 简明教程
Tableau - Dashboard
A dashboard is a consolidated display of many worksheets and related information in a single place. It is used to compare and monitor a variety of data simultaneously. The different data views are displayed all at once. Dashboards are shown as tabs at the bottom of the workbook and they usually get updated with the most recent data from the data source. While creating a dashboard, you can add views from any worksheet in the workbook along with many supporting objects such as text areas, web pages, and images.
Each view you add to the dashboard is connected to its corresponding worksheet. So when you modify the worksheet, the dashboard is updated and when you modify the view in the dashboard, the worksheet is updated.
Creating a Dashboard
使用 Sample-superstore,计划创建一个仪表板,显示跨所有州的不同细分和产品子类别的销售额和利润。为实现此目标,步骤如下。
Using the Sample-superstore, plan to create a dashboard showing the sales and profits for different segments and Sub-Category of products across all the states. To achieve this objective, following are the steps.
Step 1 − 使用位于工作簿底部的添加工作表图标创建一个空白工作表。将维度细分拖到“列”选区,将维度子类别拖到“行”选区。将度量销售额拖放到“颜色”选区,将度量利润拖放到“大小”选区。此工作表称为主工作表。右键单击并重命名此工作表为 Sales_Profits 。出现以下图表。
Step 1 − Create a blank worksheet by using the add worksheet icon located at the bottom of the workbook. Drag the dimension Segment to the columns shelf and the dimension Sub-Category to the Rows Shelf. Drag and drop the measure Sales to the Color shelf and the measure Profit to the Size shelf. This worksheet is referred as the Master worksheet. Right-click and rename this worksheet as Sales_Profits. The following chart appears.
Step 2 − 创建另一个表格以保存跨不同州的销售额详细信息。为此,将维度州拖到“行”选区,将度量销售额拖到“列”选区,如以下屏幕截图所示。接下来,对州字段应用筛选器以按降序排列销售额。右键单击并重命名此工作表为 Sales_state 。
Step 2 − Create another sheet to hold the details of the Sales across the States. For this, drag the dimension State to the Rows shelf and the measure Sales to the Columns shelf as shown in the following screenshot. Next, apply a filter to the State field to arrange the Sales in a descending order. Right-click and rename this worksheet as Sales_state.
Step 3 − 接下来,通过单击工作簿底部的创建新仪表板链接创建一个空白仪表板。右键单击并重命名仪表板为 Profit_Dashboard。
Step 3 − Next, create a blank dashboard by clicking the Create New Dashboard link at the bottom of the workbook. Right-click and rename the dashboard as Profit_Dashboard.
Step 4 − 将两个工作表拖到仪表板中。在销售利润工作表的顶部边框线附近,您可以看到三个小图标。单击中间图标,当将鼠标悬停在该图标上时,该图标会显示提示使用作为筛选器。
Step 4 − Drag the two worksheets to the dashboard. Near the top border line of Sales Profit worksheet, you can see three small icons. Click the middle one, which shows the prompt Use as Filter on hovering the mouse over it.
Step 5 − 现在在仪表板中,单击名为机器细分和名为消费细分的代表子类别的框。
Step 5 − Now in the dashboard, click the box representing Sub-Category named Machines and segment named Consumer.
您会注意到,只有销售额达到此利润的州才会在名为 Sales_state 的右侧窗格中筛选出来。这说明了如何在仪表板中链接表格。
You can notice that only the states where the sales happened for this amount of profit are filtered out in the right pane named Sales_state. This illustrates how the sheets are linked in a dashboard.