目标映射到 Apache Kafka 主题
消费者组映射到 Apache Kafka 消费者组
分区映射到 Apache Kafka 分区
本文还概述了 Binder 与特定版本 Apache Kafka kafka-clients 的兼容性,并指出了某些功能的限制。
下图以简化形式展示了 Apache Kafka binder 的运行方式:
The following image shows a simplified diagram of how the Apache Kafka binder operates:
Apache Kafka Binder 实现将每个目标映射到一个 Apache Kafka 主题。消费者组直接映射到同一个 Apache Kafka 概念。分区也直接映射到 Apache Kafka 分区。
The Apache Kafka Binder implementation maps each destination to an Apache Kafka topic. The consumer group maps directly to the same Apache Kafka concept. Partitioning also maps directly to Apache Kafka partitions as well.
Binder 当前使用 Apache Kafka kafka-clients
版本 3.1.0
。此客户端可以与旧代理通信(参见 Kafka 文档),但某些功能可能不可用。例如,低于 0.11.x.x 的版本不支持本机标头。此外,0.11.x.x 不支持 autoAddPartitions
The binder currently uses the Apache Kafka kafka-clients
version 3.1.0
This client can communicate with older brokers (see the Kafka documentation), but certain features may not be available.
For example, with versions earlier than 0.11.x.x, native headers are not supported.
Also, 0.11.x.x does not support the autoAddPartitions