Cypress 简明教程
Cypress - Dashboards
必须设置Cypress Dashboard服务,才能创建运行在我们系统中的Cypress测试与托管在云中的控制面板之间的链接。
Cypress Dashboard Service has to be set up to create a link between Cypress tests running in our system and the dashboard which is hosted on the cloud.
Cypress Dashboard的功能解释如下:
The features of Cypress Dashboard are explained below −
It provides data on the total number of passed, failed and skipped test cases.
The stack trace and screenshots of the failed tests are available.
The video of test execution is available.
Management of test data, framework and their access is possible.
The usage trends in the organization is provided.
Setup Cypress Dashboard
要设置流程,首先,我们应该转到Cypress Test Runner窗口中的Runs选项卡。然后单击Connect to Dashboard。将出现以下屏幕:
To set up the process, first, we should go to the Runs tab in the Cypress Test Runner window. Then, click on Connect to Dashboard. The following screen will appear −

We shall get various options of logging on to the Dashboard, as shown below −

After successful sign in, we shall get the success message. Click on Continue.

Enter the project name, owner and users, who can see the project.
然后,单击Set up project。
Then, click on Set up project.

Cypress shall then give the following suggestions −
project Id
unique project key (in form of command to be executed in terminal)

从 Cypress 建议获取的 projectId 应与项目文件夹中的 cypress.json 文件中可用的项目 ID 匹配。
The projectId obtained from the Cypress suggestion should match with the project id available in the cypress.json file within the project folder.

接下来,我们必须按 Cypress 建议运行下面提到的命令 -
Next, we have to run the below mentioned command as suggested by Cypress −
node_modules/cypress/bin/cypress run --record --key <project key>
下面给出的屏幕将会出现 -
The screen given below will appear −

Once the execution is done, we have to open the Runs tab of the Test Runner. It has the information on platform, browser, and duration of the tests.
The test records shall be visible. Click on a record.

The record is opened in a browser, with the test result Overview (count of passed, failed, pending, skipped), as shown below.

在 Specs 选项卡中,我们应该有每项测试及其结果的详细信息。
In the Specs tab, we should have the details of each test and its result.
Additionally, there are features like output, failed test screenshot, videos, and so on.