Numpy 简明教程
NumPy - Byte Swapping
We have seen that the data stored in the memory of a computer depends on which architecture the CPU uses. It may be little-endian (least significant is stored in the smallest address) or big-endian (most significant byte in the smallest address).
numpy.ndarray.byteswap() 函数在两种表示形式之间切换:大端和小端。
The numpy.ndarray.byteswap() function toggles between the two representations: bigendian and little-endian.
import numpy as np
a = np.array([1, 256, 8755], dtype = np.int16)
print 'Our array is:'
print a
print 'Representation of data in memory in hexadecimal form:'
print map(hex,a)
# byteswap() function swaps in place by passing True parameter
print 'Applying byteswap() function:'
print a.byteswap(True)
print 'In hexadecimal form:'
print map(hex,a)
# We can see the bytes being swapped
It will produce the following output −
Our array is:
[1 256 8755]
Representation of data in memory in hexadecimal form:
['0x1', '0x100', '0x2233']
Applying byteswap() function:
[256 1 13090]
In hexadecimal form:
['0x100', '0x1', '0x3322']