Duplicated context, context locals, asynchronous processing and propagation
当使用传统的、阻塞的和同步的框架时,每个请求的处理都在一个专用线程中执行。所以,同一个线程用于整个处理过程。您知道这个线程在处理完成之前不会用于执行任何其他任务。如果您需要在处理过程中传播数据,例如安全主体或跟踪 ID,可以使用 ThreadLocals
When using a traditional, blocking, and synchronous framework, processing of each request is performed in a dedicated thread.
So, the same thread is used for the entire processing.
You know that this thread will not be used to execute anything else until the completion of the processing.
When you need to propagate data along the processing, such as the security principal or a trace id, you can use ThreadLocals
The propagated data is cleared once the processing is complete.
在使用反应式和异步执行模型时,您不能使用相同机制。为了避免使用多个进程线程,以及减少资源使用(还提高了应用程序的并发性),同一个线程可用于处理多个并发处理。因此,不能使用 ThreadLocals
When using a reactive and asynchronous execution model, you cannot use the same mechanism.
To avoid using many process threads, and reduce resource usage (and also increase the concurrency of the application), the same thread can be used to handle multiple concurrent processing.
Thus, you cannot use ThreadLocals
as the values would be leaked between the various concurrent processing.
Vert.x duplicated context 是一个提供了相同类型的传播(但是用于异步处理)的构造函数。它也可用于同步代码。
Vert.x duplicated context is a construct that provides the same kind of propagation but for asynchronous processing. It can also be used with synchronous code.
This document explains duplicated contexts, how to retrieve one, use it, and how it’s propagated along the (asynchronous) processing.
The reactive model
本节并未解释反应式模型。有关更多详细信息,请参阅 the Quarkus Reactive Architecture。 |
This section is not an explanation of the reactive model. Refer to that the Quarkus Reactive Architecture for more details. |
从本质上讲,Quarkus 使用的是一个反应式引擎。这个引擎提供了处理现代的、容器化的和云原生的应用程序所需的效率和并发能力。
Under the hood, Quarkus uses a reactive engine. This engine provides the efficiency and concurrency to cope with modern, containerized, and cloud-native applications.
例如,当您使用 Quarkus REST(以前的 RESTEasy Reactive)或 gRPC 时,Quarkus 可以再 I/O 线程上调用您的业务逻辑。这些线程被命名为 event loops 并实现了 multi-reactor pattern。
For example, when you use Quarkus REST (formerly RESTEasy Reactive) or gRPC, Quarkus can invoke your business logic on I/O threads. These threads are named event loops and implement a multi-reactor pattern.
当使用命令式模型时,Quarkus 会将一个工作线程关联到每个处理单元(如一个 HTTP 请求或一个 gRPC 调用)。该线程会专门用于该特定处理,直至处理完成。因此,您可以使用 Thread Locals 在处理期间传播数据,并且在当前处理完成之前,没有其他处理单元会使用该线程。
When using the imperative model, Quarkus associates a worker thread to each processing unit (like an HTTP request or a gRPC invocation). That thread is dedicated to this specific processing until the processing completes. Thus, you can use Thread Locals to propagate data along the processing, and no other processing unit will use that thread until the completion of the current one.
借助反应式模型,代码会在事件循环线程上运行。这些事件循环执行多个并发处理单元。例如,同一个事件循环可以处理多个并发 HTTP 请求。下图展示了此反应式执行模型:
With the reactive model, the code runs on event loop threads. These event loops execute multiple concurrent processing units. For example, the same event loop can handle multiple concurrent HTTP requests. The following picture illustrates this reactive execution model:

您必须 NEVER 阻塞这些事件循环。如果您这样做,整个模型都会崩溃。因此,当 HTTP 请求的处理需要执行一个 I/O 操作(例如,调用外部服务)时,它会:
You must NEVER block these event loops. If you do, the whole model collapses. Thus, when the processing of an HTTP request needs to execute an I/O operation (such as calling an external service), it:
schedules the operation,
passes a continuation (the code to call when the I/O completes),
releases the thread.
然后,该线程可以处理其他并发请求。当计划的操作完成后,它会执行传递的延续 on the same event loop。
That thread can then handle another concurrent request. When the scheduled operation completes, it executes the passed continuation on the same event loop.
该模型尤其高效(低线程数)和高性能(避免上下文切换)。然而,它需要不同的开发模型,并且不能使用 Thread Locals,因为并发请求将看到相同的值。事实上,它们均由同一线程(事件循环)处理。
That model is particularly efficient (low number of threads) and performant (avoid context switches). However, it requires a different development model, and you cannot use Thread Locals, as the concurrent requests would see the same value. Indeed, they are all processed by the same thread: the event loop.
MicroProfile Context Propagation 规范解决了该问题。它在每次切换到另一个处理单元时保存并还原存储在局部线程中的值。然而,该模型开销较大。上下文局部变量(也称为 duplicated context)是实现此目的的另一种方式,并且需要的机制较少。
The MicroProfile Context Propagation specification addresses this issue. It saves and restores the values stored in thread locals whenever we switch to another processing unit. However, that model is expensive. Context locals (also known as duplicated context) is another way to do this and requires fewer mechanics.
Context and duplicated context
在 Quarkus 中,执行响应式代码时,会在 Context 中运行,代表执行线程(事件循环或工作线程)。
In Quarkus, when you execute reactive code, you run in a Context, representing the execution thread (event loop or worker thread).
@NonBlocking // Force the usage of the event loop
public String hello1() {
Context context = Vertx.currentContext();
return "Hello, you are running on context: %s and on thread %s".formatted(context, Thread.currentThread()); 1
public String hello2() { // Called on a worker thread (because it has a blocking signature)
Context context = Vertx.currentContext();
return "Hello, you are running on context: %s and on thread %s".formatted(context, Thread.currentThread()); 2
1 | Produces: Hello 1, you are running on context: io.vertx.core.impl.DuplicatedContext@5dc42d4f and on thread Thread[vert.x-eventloop-thread-1,5,main] - so invoked on an event loop. |
2 | Produces: Hello 2, you are running on context: io.vertx.core.impl.DuplicatedContext@41781ccb and on thread Thread[executor-thread-1,5,main] - so invoked on a worker thread. |
利用这种 Context 对象,可以在同一上下文中调度操作。上下文可用于在同一事件循环中执行继续(因为上下文附加到事件循环中),如上图所述。例如,当需要调用异步内容时,捕获当前上下文,当响应到达时,将在该上下文中调用继续:
With this Context object, you can schedule operations in the same context. The context is handy for executing the continuation on the same event loop (as contexts are attached to event loops), as described in the picture above. For example, when you need to call something asynchronous, you capture the current context, and when the response arrives, it invokes the continuation in that context:
public Uni<String> invoke() {
Context context = Vertx.currentContext();
return invokeRemoteService()
.emitOn(runnable -> context.runOnContext(runnable)); 1
1 | Emit the result in the same context. |
大多数 Quarkus 客户端会自动执行此操作,在适当的上下文中调用继续。
Most Quarkus clients do this automatically, invoking the continuation in the proper context.
There are two levels of contexts:
the root contexts representing the event loop, and thus cannot be used to propagate data without leaking it between concurrent processing
the duplicated contexts, which are based on a root context, but are NOT shared and represent the processing unit
因此,每个处理单元都关联有一个重复上下文。重复上下文仍然与 root 上下文关联,且使用重复上下文调度的操作会在关联的 root 上下文中运行它们。但是,与 root 上下文不同的是,它们不会在处理单元之间共享。然而,同一处理单元的继续使用相同的重复上下文。因此,在之前的代码段中,继续不仅在同一事件循环中调用,还可以在同一重复上下文中调用(假设捕获的上下文是一个重复上下文,稍后会详细阐述)。
Thus, a duplicated context is associated with each processing unit. A duplicated context is still associated with a root context, and scheduling operations using a duplicated context run them in the associated root context. But, unlike the root context, they are not shared between processing units. Yet, continuations of a processing unit use the same duplicated context. So, in the previous code snippet, the continuation is not only called on the same event loop but on the same duplicated context (supposing that the captured context is a duplicated context, more on that later).

Context local data
When executed in a duplicated context, the code can store data without sharing it with the other concurrent processing. So, you can store, retrieve and remove local data. The continuation invokes on the same duplicated context, will have access to that data:
import io.smallrye.common.vertx.ContextLocals;
AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger();
public Uni<String> invoke() {
Context context = Vertx.currentContext();
ContextLocals.put("message", "hello");
ContextLocals.put("id", counter.incrementAndGet());
return invokeRemoteService()
.emitOn(runnable -> context.runOnContext(runnable))
.map(res -> {
// Can still access the context local data
// `get(...)` returns an Optional
String msg = ContextLocals.<String>get("message").orElseThrow();
Integer id = ContextLocals.<Integer>get("id").orElseThrow();
return "%s - %s - %d".formatted(res, msg, id);
之前的代码段使用了 |
The previous code snippet uses |
Context local data provides an efficient way to propagate objects during a reactive execution. Tracing metadata, metrics, and sessions can be stored and retrieved safely.
Context locals restrictions
然而,这种特性只能与重复上下文一起使用。如上所述,这对代码是透明的。重复上下文是一个上下文,因此它们公开相同的 API。
However, such a feature must only be used with duplicated contexts. As said above, it’s transparent for the code. A duplicated context is a context, so they expose the same API.
在 Quarkus 中,对局部数据的访问仅限于重复上下文。如果尝试从 root 上下文中访问局部数据,它将抛出 UnsupportedOperationException
In Quarkus, access to the local data is restricted to duplicated contexts.
If you try to access local data from a root context, it throws an UnsupportedOperationException
It prevents accessing data shared among different units of processing.
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: Access to Context.putLocal(), Context.getLocal() and Context.removeLocal() are forbidden from a 'root' context as it can leak data between unrelated processing. Make sure the method runs on a 'duplicated' (local) Context.
Safe context
可以将上下文标记为 safe。它用于其它扩展集成以帮助识别哪些上下文被隔离,并且保证仅由一个线程访问。Hibernate Reactive 使用此特性来检查当前上下文是否安全地存储当前打开的会话,以保护用户免于错误地交错多个响应式操作,这些操作可能会无意中共享同一个会话。
You can mark a context safe. It is meant for other extensions to integrate with to help identify which contexts are isolated and guarantee access by a unique thread. Hibernate Reactive uses this feature to check if the current context is safe to store the currently opened session to protect users from mistakenly interleaving multiple reactive operations that could unintentionally share the same session.
Vert.x web 将为每个 http web 请求创建一个新的重复上下文;Quarkus REST 将将此类上下文标记为安全。当它们设置一个安全的新上下文时,其它的扩展应该遵循类似的模式,以保证顺序使用、非并发访问以及针对当前响应式链的范围,以便于不必显式传递一个“上下文”对象。
Vert.x web will create a new duplicated context for each http web request; Quarkus REST will mark such contexts as safe. Other extensions should follow a similar pattern when they are setting up a new context that is safe to be used for a local context guaranteeing sequential use, non-concurrent access, and scoped to the current reactive chain as a convenience not to have to pass a "context" object along explicitly.
In other cases, it might be helpful to mark the current context as not safe instead explicitly; for example, if an existing context needs to be shared across multiple workers to process some operations in parallel: by marking and un-marking appropriately the same context can have spans in which it’s safe, followed by spans in which it’s not safe.
To mark a context as safe, you can:
Use the
annotation -
Use the
By using the io.quarkus.vertx.core.runtime.context.VertxContextSafetyToggle
class, the current context can be explicitly marked as safe
, or it can be explicitly marked as unsafe
; there’s a third state which is the default of any new context: unmarked
The default is to consider any unmarked context to be unsafe
, unless the system property io.quarkus.vertx.core.runtime.context.VertxContextSafetyToggle.UNRESTRICTED_BY_DEFAULT
is set to true
SafeVertxContext`注解将当前复制的上下文标记为安全,并在上下文为 `unmarked`或已被标记为 `safe`时调用被注解的方法。如果上下文被标记为 `unsafe
,你可以使用 force=true`参数强制将其标记为 `safe
The SafeVertxContext
annotation marks the current duplicated context as safe and invokes the annotated method if the context is unmarked
or already marked as safe
If the context is marked as unsafe
, you can force it to be safe
using the force=true
However, this possibility must be used carefully.
`@SafeVertxContext`注解是一个 CDI 拦截器绑定注解。因此,它只适用于 CDI bean 和非私有方法。
The @SafeVertxContext
annotation is a CDI interceptor binding annotation.
Therefore, it only works for CDI beans and on non-private methods.
Extensions supporting duplicated contexts
一般来说,Quarkus 在复制上下文中调用响应式代码。所以它可以安全地访问本地数据。在以下情况下会出现这种情况:
In general, Quarkus invokes reactive code on duplicated contexts. So it can safely access the local data. It is the case with:
Quarkus REST
Reactive Routes
Vert.x Event Bus
REST Client
Reactive Messaging (Kafka, AMQP)
Quarkus scheduler and Quartz
Redis Client (for the pub/sub commands)
Distinguish between root and duplicated contexts
You can distinguish between a root and a duplicated context using the following:
boolean isDuplicated = VertxContext.isDuplicatedContext(context);
This code uses the io.smallrye.common.vertx.VertxContext
helper class.
Duplicated contexts and mapped diagnostic context (MDC)
使用记录器时,MDC(添加到日志消息的上下文数据)存储在可用的复制上下文中。查看logging reference guide以了解更多详情。
When using loggers, the MDC (contextual data added to the log messages) is stored in duplicated context when available. Check the logging reference guide for more details.
CDI request scope
在 Quarkus 中,CDI 请求范围存储在复制上下文中,这意味着它会随着请求的响应式处理而自动传播。
In Quarkus, the CDI request scope is stored in a duplicated context, meaning it gets automatically propagated alongside the reactive processing of a request.
Reactive Messaging
Kafka 和 AMQP 连接器为每条消息创建一个复制上下文,实现了一个_message context_。此消息上下文用于完成消息处理,因此可以用来传播数据。
The Kafka and AMQP connector creates a duplicated context for each message, implementing a message context. This message context is used for the complete message processing and thus can be used to propagate data.
有关更多信息,请参阅 Message Context文档。
See the Message Context documentation for further information.