Kubernetes Config

Quarkus包含`kubernetes-config`扩展,允许开发人员使用Kubernetes ConfigMapsSecrets作为配置源,而无需将它们安装到运行Quarkus应用程序的 Pod中,或对他们的Kubernetes`Deployment`(或OpenShift`DeploymentConfig`)进行任何其他修改。

Quarkus includes the kubernetes-config extension which allows developers to use Kubernetes ConfigMaps and Secrets as a configuration source, without having to mount them into the Pod running the Quarkus application or make any other modifications to their Kubernetes Deployment (or OpenShift DeploymentConfig).



Once you have your Quarkus project configured you can add the kubernetes-config extension by running the following command in your project base directory.

Unresolved directive in kubernetes-config.adoc - include::{includes}/devtools/extension-add.adoc[]


This will add the following to your build file:



该扩展是通过使用Kubernetes Client从Kubernetes API服务器直接读取ConfigMap和Secret来工作的。

The extension works by reading ConfigMaps and Secrets directly from the Kubernetes API server using the Kubernetes Client.


The extension understands the following types of ConfigMaps and Secrets as input sources:

  • ConfigMaps and Secrets that contain literal data (see this for an example on how to create one)

  • ConfigMaps and Secrets created from files named application.properties, application.yaml or application.yml (see this for an example on how to create one).


The extension is disabled by default in order to prevent the application for making API calls when it is not running in a Kubernetes environment. To enable it, set quarkus.kubernetes-config.enabled=true (for example using a specific profile).


The values of quarkus.kubernetes-config.config-maps and quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets determine which ConfigMaps and/or Secrets will be used as configuration sources. Keep in mind that these ConfigMaps and Secrets must be in the same Kubernetes Namespace as the running application. If they are to be found in a different namespace, then quarkus.kubernetes-config.namespace must be set to the proper value.

Priority of obtained properties


The properties obtained from the ConfigMaps and Secrets have a higher priority than (i.e. they override) any properties of the same name that are found in application.properties (or the YAML equivalents), but they have lower priority than properties set via Environment Variables or Java System Properties.


Furthermore, when multiple ConfigMaps (or Secrets) are used, ConfigMaps (or Secrets) defined later in the list have a higher priority that ConfigMaps defined earlier in the list.


Finally, when both ConfigMaps and Secrets are used, the latter always a higher priority than the former.

Kubernetes Permissions

由于读取ConfigMap涉及与Kubernetes API服务器交互,因此当在集群上启用 RBAC时,用于运行应用程序的 ServiceAccount需要具有进行此类访问的适当权限。

Since reading ConfigMaps involves interacting with the Kubernetes API Server, when RBAC is enabled on the cluster, the ServiceAccount that is used to run the application needs to have the proper permissions for such access.


Thankfully, when using the kubernetes-config extension along with the Kubernetes extension, all the necessary Kubernetes resources to make that happen are automatically generated.



By default, the Kubernetes extension doesn’t generate the necessary resources to allow accessing secrets. Set quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets.enabled=true to generate the necessary role and corresponding role binding.

Example configuration


A very common use case is to deploy a Quarkus application that needs to access a relational database which has itself already been deployed on Kubernetes. Using the quarkus-kubernetes-config extension makes this use case very simple to handle.


Let’s assume that our Quarkus application needs to talk to PostgreSQL and that when PostgreSQL was deployed on our Kubernetes cluster, a Secret named postgresql was created as part of that deployment and contains the following entries:

  • database-name

  • database-user

  • database-password


One possible way to make Quarkus use these entries to connect the database is to use the following configuration:

%prod.quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets.enabled=true                            1
quarkus.kubernetes-config.secrets=postgresql                                    2

%prod.quarkus.datasource.jdbc.url=postgresql://somehost:5432/${database-name}   3
%prod.quarkus.datasource.username=${database-user}                              4
%prod.quarkus.datasource.password=${database-password}                          5
1 Enable reading of secrets. Note the use of %prod profile as we only want this setting applied when the application is running in production.
2 Configure the name of the secret that will be used. This doesn’t need to be prefixed with the %prod profile as it won’t have any effect if secret reading is disabled.
3 Quarkus will substitute ${database-name} with the value obtained from the entry with name database-name of the postgres Secret. somehost is the name of the Kubernetes Service that was created when PostgreSQL was deployed to Kubernetes.
4 Quarkus will substitute ${database-user} with the value obtained from the entry with name database-user of the postgres Secret.
5 Quarkus will substitute ${database-password} with the value obtained from the entry with name database-password of the postgres Secret.


The values above allow the application to be completely agnostic of the actual database configuration used in production while also not inhibiting the usability of the application at development time.


使用 @"13" 扩展是完全可选的,因为应用程序还可以通过其他方式进行配置以使用 ConfigMaps 或 Secrets。

The use of the quarkus-kubernetes-config extensions is completely optional as there are other ways an application can be configured to use ConfigMaps or Secrets.

一种常见的替代方法是在 Kubernetes @"14" 上将 ConfigMap 和 / Secret 的各个条目映射到环境变量 - 有关更详细的信息,请参见 @"16"。在 Quarkus 中实现此目的时,我们可以使用 @"15" 扩展(负责创建 Kubernetes 清单并包含以下配置),并对其进行如下配置:

One common alternative is to map each entry of the ConfigMap and / Secret to an environment variable on the Kubernetes Deployment - see this for more details. To achieve that in Quarkus, we could use the quarkus-kubernetes extension (which is responsible for creating Kubernetes manifests and include the following configuration) and configure it as so:



上述配置的最终结果是将以下 @"17" 部分应用于生成的 @"18":

The end result of the above configuration would be the following env part being applied the generated Deployment:

            - name: DATABASE_NAME
                  key: database-name
                  name: postgresql
            - name: DATABASE_USER
                  key: database-user
                  name: postgresql
            - name: DATABASE_PASSWORD
                  key: database-password
                  name: postgresql

有关更详细的信息,请参见 @"19"。

See this for more details.

Configuration Reference


Unresolved directive in kubernetes-config.adoc - include::{generated-dir}/config/quarkus-kubernetes-config.adoc[]