Mantis 简明教程

Mantis - Change Status


Status is the property of an issue that helps to track the progress of an issue as well as provide the actual current status of an issue.

Mantis 支持以下状态 - 新的、反馈、已确认、确认、关闭和已解决。用户可以根据完成的工作更改问题的状态。

Mantis supports the following status - New, Feedback, Acknowledged, Confirmed, Closed, and Resolved. Users can change the status of an issue based on the work done.


Following steps should be taken to change the status.

Step 1 - 转到查看问题部分并点击将被更改为该状态状态的问题 ID。

Step 1 − Go to the View issue section and click the Issue ID of the status that has to change.

Step 2 - 点击“状态更改为”旁边的下拉菜单并选择一个状态。

Step 2 − Click the dropdown beside “Change Status to” and select one of the statuses.

Step 3 - 在选择后,点击如以下截图所示在查看问题详情部分显示的“状态更改为”按钮。

Step 3 − After selection, click the button “Change Status to” present at the View Issue Details section as shown in the following screenshot.

change status to

根据状态选择,<状态> 问题页面将打开,用户可以在那里对某个问题添加笔记、分配该问题和根据需要让该问题变为私有的。

Based on the status selection, the <Status> Issue page opens where the user can add a note, assign to and make it private if desired.

Step 4 - 在那之后,点击<状态> 问题按钮。举例来说:对于反馈,问题请求反馈页面将打开。

Step 4 − After that click the <Status> Issue button. For example: For feedback, the Request Feedback on Issue page opens.


The following screenshot shows the Feedback status page.

feedback status page

Step 5 − 点击请求反馈按钮并且问题状态将变成反馈,如下面的截图所示。

Step 5 − Click the Request Feedback button and the status of issue is changed to feedback as shown in the following screenshot.

request feedback button