Mantis 简明教程

Mantis - Manage Categories


After the creation of the project, the user should classify Categories. Categories allow dividing the issues into different areas such as 'user interface', 'backend', ‘database', ‘services’, etc. It is based on the type of issues, feature areas of the software, or the expertise of various development teams.

用户可以创建特定于项目的类别,或在所有项目中全局定义该类别。Mantis 支持一个名为“常规”的预定义全局类别。当在项目之间移动缺陷时,此类别用作默认类别,并且目标项目中没有源类别。

The user can create categories specific to a project or define it globally across all projects. Mantis supports a pre-defined global category called 'General'. This is used as the default category while moving issues between projects, and there is no source category in the target project.

Create a Category

Step 1 − 转到管理 → 管理项目选项卡。

Step 1 − Go to Manage → Manage Projects tab.

Step 2 − 在文本框中输入类别名称,然后单击“添加类别”。

Step 2 − Enter the Category name in the text box and click Add Category.


The following screenshot shows how to add a Global Category.

global category


On successful addition, the user will be able to see the category name under Global Categories section. The user can edit the category anytime by clicking the Edit button present under Actions column.


The following screenshot shows added category and Edit button.

added and edit button

Configure Categories


Categories can be configured to a default assignee.


All issues logged under this category will automatically be assigned to a team member.

Step 1 - 要配置类别,请转到“管理”→“管理项目”→“全局类别”

Step 1 − To configure the category, go to Manage → Manage Projects → Global Categories

Step 2 - 点击“编辑”配置特定类别,如下一个屏幕截图所示。

Step 2 − Click Edit to configure a specific category as shown in the previous screenshot.

Step 3 - 在“编辑项目类别”中,从下拉列表中选择“分配给”。

Step 3 − In the Edit Project Category, select Assigned to from the dropdown list.

Step 4 - 点击“更新类别”。

Step 4 − Click Update Category.


Here, the user can edit the category name as well.


The following screenshot shows how to configure a category.

configure category

Delete a Category

Step 1 - 要删除一个类别,请转到“管理”→“管理项目”。

Step 1 − To delete a category, go to Manage → Manage Projects.

Step 2 - 点击要删除的特定类别。然后,从“操作”列中点击“删除”按钮,如下一个屏幕截图所示。

Step 2 − Click a specific category to delete. Then, click the Delete button from the Actions column as shown in the following screenshot.

actions column

Step 3 - 在点击“删除”后,Mantis 会显示一条警告消息并要求确认,用户是否要删除特定类别。点击“删除类别”按钮,如下一个屏幕截图所示。

Step 3 − After clicking Delete, Mantis displays a warning message and asks for confirmation, whether the user wants to delete a specific category or not. Click the Delete Category button as shown in the following screenshot.

delete category


If the issues are listed under the deleted category, after deletion, the issues will be updated automatically and displayed as no category.


The user can manually filter the issues and update the categories for those.