Mantis 简明教程

Mantis - Issue Lifecycle

生命周期表示问题的不同阶段或状态。生命周期从报告问题开始,当问题得到解决或关闭时结束。问题主要可以有 3 个阶段 − 打开、解决和关闭。但是,Mantis 支持更多状态,稍后将对此进行解释。

Lifecycle denotes different stages or status of issues. Lifecycle starts from reporting an issue and ends when the issue is resolved or closed. An issue mainly can have 3 stages − Open, Resolve, and Close. However, Mantis supports more status as is explained further.


New − 这是用户报告新问题时的第一个状态。下一状态可能是“反馈”、“已确认”、“已确认”、“已分配”或“已解决”。

New − This is the first status for a new issue when the users report it. The next status may be “feedback”, “acknowledged”, “confirmed”, “assigned” or “resolved”.

Feedback − 此状态用于审查目的。在分配给团队成员之前,将进行审查流程,以确定问题的有效性和问题团队。下一状态可能是“新建”、“已分配”或“已解决”。

Feedback − This status is used for reviewing purpose. Before assigning to a team member, a review process happens to decide the validity of issue and concern team. The next status may be “new”, “assigned”, or “resolved”.

Acknowledged − 发展团队使用此状态发送有关收到问题或同意报告人的问题的确认。但是,他们可能尚未重现此问题。下一个状态是“已分配”或“已确认”。

Acknowledged − This status is used by the development team to send a confirmation about receiving an issue or to agree with the reporter’s concern. However, it is possible that they have not yet reproduced the issue. The next status is “assigned” or “confirmed”.

Confirmed − 发展团队通常使用此状态来反映他们已确认和重现此问题。下一个状态是“已分配”。

Confirmed − This status is typically used by the development team to reflect that they have confirmed and reproduced the issue. The next status is “assigned”.

Assigned − 此状态用于反映此问题已分配给团队成员之一,并且团队成员负责修复此问题并积极地处理此问题。下一状态是“已解决”。

Assigned − This status is used to reflect that the issue has been assigned to one of the team members and the team member is responsible to fix it and actively working on it. The next status is “resolved”.

Resolved − 此状态用于反映此问题已得到修复或解决。此问题可以在以下任何解决办法中解决。例如,可以将问题称为已为“已修复”、“重复”、“无法修复”、“无需更改”或其他原因而解决。下一个状态是“关闭”,或者如果问题正在重新打开,则会将问题标记为“反馈”。

Resolved − This status is used to reflect that the issue has been fixed or resolved. An issue can be resolved among any of the following resolutions. For example, an issue can be called as resolved for “fixed”, “duplicate”, “won’t fix”, “no change required”, or other reasons. The next status is “closed”, or in case if the issue is being re-opened, then it would be “feedback”.

Closed − 此状态反映出该问题已关闭并已成功验证。不需要对该问题采取进一步操作。问题关闭后,问题将从查看问题页面中隐藏。

Closed − This status reflects that the issue is closed and successfully validated. No further actions are required on it. Once the issue gets closed, it hides the issue from the View Issues page.