Excel 简明教程

Context Help in Excel 2010

MS Excel 在鼠标悬浮时提供根据上下文相关帮助。若要查看特定菜单选项的上下文相关帮助,请将鼠标悬停在该选项上一些时间。然后您就可以看到如下所示的上下文相关帮助。

MS Excel provides context sensitive help on mouse over. To see context sensitive help for a particular Menu option, hover the mouse over the option for some time. Then you can see the context sensitive Help as shown below.

context sensitive help

Getting More Help

若要从 Microsoft 获取有关 MS Excel 的更多帮助,则您可以按 F1File → Help → Support → Microsoft Office Help

For getting more help with MS Excel from Microsoft you can press F1 or by File → Help → Support → Microsoft Office Help.

help from file