Excel 简明教程
Using Functions in Excel 2010
Functions in Formula
您创建的许多公式都使用可用的工作表函数。这些函数使您能够极大地增强公式的功能,并执行只使用运算符就很难进行的计算。例如,您可以使用 LOG 或 SIN 函数来计算对数或正弦比率。您不能仅使用数学运算符来完成此复杂计算。
Many formulas you create use available worksheet functions. These functions enable you to greatly enhance the power of your formulas and perform calculations that are difficult if you use only the operators. For example, you can use the LOG or SIN function to calculate the Logarithm or Sin ratio. You can’t do this complicated calculation by using the mathematical operators alone.
Using Functions
当你输入 = 符号然后键入任何字母时,你会看到下面的搜索函数。
When you type = sign and then type any alphabet you will see the searched functions as below.
假设您需要确定某个范围内的最大值。如果没有使用函数,公式无法告诉您答案。我们将使用使用 MAX 函数的公式来返回范围 B3:B8 中的最大值,例如 =MAX(A1:D100) 。
Suppose you need to determine the largest value in a range. A formula can’t tell you the answer without using a function. We will use formula that uses the MAX function to return the largest value in the range B3:B8 as =MAX(A1:D100).
另一个函数示例。假设您想找到月份单元格是否大于 1900,那么我们就可以给销售代表发奖金。那么我们可以通过用 IF 函数编写公式来实现,例如 =IF(B9>1900,"Yes","No")
Another example of functions. Suppose you want to find if the cell of month is greater than 1900 then we can give Bonus to Sales representative. The we can achieve it with writing formula with IF functions as =IF(B9>1900,"Yes","No")
Function Arguments
In the above examples, you may have noticed that all the functions used parentheses. The information inside the parentheses is the list of arguments.
Functions vary in how they use arguments. Depending on what it has to do, a function may use.
No arguments − Examples − Now(), Date(), etc.
One argument − UPPER(), LOWER(), etc.
A fixed number of arguments − IF(), MAX(), MIN(), AVERGAGE(), etc.
Infinite number of arguments
Optional arguments