Excel 简明教程

Pivot Charts Excel 2010

Pivot Charts

数据透视表是一个数据摘要的图形展示,它显示在一个数据透视表里。数据透视表总是基于一个数据透视表。尽管 Excel 允许你同时设置数据透视表和数据透视表,但是你不能在没有数据透视表的情况下创建一个数据透视表。 Excel 所有绘图功能都可以在数据透视表里使用。

A pivot chart is a graphical representation of a data summary, displayed in a pivot table. A pivot chart is always based on a pivot table. Although Excel lets you create a pivot table and a pivot chart at the same time, you can’t create a pivot chart without a pivot table. All Excel charting features are available in a pivot chart.

数据透视表在 Insert tab » PivotTable dropdown » PivotChart 下面。

Pivot charts are available under Insert tab » PivotTable dropdown » PivotChart.

Pivot Chart Example

现在,让我们用一个示例看看数据透视表。假设你有很多选民数据,而且你想以图标的形式查看选民信息每党派数据的汇总视图,那么你可以为此使用数据透视表。选择 Insert tab » Pivot Chart 来插入数据透视表。

Now, let us see Pivot table with the help of an example. Suppose you have huge data of voters and you want to see the summarized view of the data of voter Information per party in the form of charts, then you can use the Pivot chart for it. Choose Insert tab » Pivot Chart to insert the pivot table.

pivot chart structure

MS Excel 选择表的字段。你可以选择数据透视表的放置位置,比如现有工作表或新工作表。数据透视表取决于 MS Excel 自动创建数据透视表。你可以在下图中生成数据透视表。

MS Excel selects the data of the table. You can select the pivot chart location as an existing sheet or a new sheet. Pivot chart depends on automatically created pivot table by the MS Excel. You can generate the pivot chart in the below screen-shot.

pivot chart data