Jupyter 简明教程
Project Jupyter - Overview
Jupyter 项目始于 2014 年 IPython 项目的分支。IPython 与语言无关的特性被移到了 Jupyter 这个名字下。这个名字指的是 Jupyter 支持的核心编程语言,即 Julia、Python和R。Jupyter 项目下的产品旨在支持交互式数据科学和科学计算。
Project Jupyter started as a spin-off from IPython project in 2014. IPython’s language-agnostic features were moved under the name – Jupyter. The name is a reference to core programming languages supported by Jupyter which are Julia, Python and RProducts under Jupyter project are intended to support interactive data science and scientific computing.
Jupyter 项目由以下各种产品组成:
The project Jupyter consists of various products described as under −
IPykernel − This is a package that provides IPython kernel to Jupyter.
Jupyter client − This package contains the reference implementation of the Jupyter protocol. It is also a client library for starting, managing and communicating with Jupyter kernels.
Jupyter notebook − This was earlier known as IPython notebook. This is a web based interface to IPython kernel and kernels of many other programming languages.
Jupyter kernels − Kernel is the execution environment of a programming language for Jupyter products.
下面给出 Jupyter 内核列表:
The list of Jupyter kernels is given below −
Kernel |
Language |
IJulia |
Julia |
IHaskell |
Haskell |
IRuby |
Ruby |
IJavaScript |
JavaScript |
IRKernel |
R |
Qtconsole − A rich Qt-based console for working with Jupyter kernels
nbconvert − Converts Jupyter notebook files in other formats
JupyterLab − Web based integrated interface for notebooks, editors, consoles etc.
nbviewer − HTML viewer for notebook files