Ubuntu 简明教程

Ubuntu - Email

Ubuntu 中的默认电子邮件客户端是 Thunderbird。以下步骤显示如何开始使用 Thunderbird 作为电子邮件客户端软件。

The default email client in Ubuntu is Thunderbird. The following steps show how to start using Thunderbird as the email client software.

我们可以使用 Ubuntu 中的搜索功能快速搜索任何应用程序。

We can quickly search for any application using the Search facility in Ubuntu.

ubuntu search facility

Step 1 − 双击搜索功能,输入电子邮件的关键字,Thunderbird 电子邮件的搜索结果即会出现。

Step 1 − Double-click on the search facility, enter the keyword of email and the search result of Thunderbird email will appear.

thunderbird email

Step 2 − 双击搜索结果以启动 Thunderbird 邮件客户端。启动电子邮件客户端后,将发出将电子邮件帐户链接到邮件客户端的请求。

Step 2 − Double-click the search result to launch the Thunderbird mail client. Once the email client is launched, there will be a request to link an email account to the mail client.

mail client

Step 3 − 单击“跳过此步骤并使用现有电子邮箱”按钮,以便我们可以使用当前电子邮箱凭据。

Step 3 − Click “Skip this and use my existing email” button, so that we can use the current email credentials.

email credentials

Step 4 − 输入所需凭据并单击继续按钮以继续。配置完成后,电子邮件客户端将提供任何电子邮件客户端的常见功能。现在,我们将能够查看收件箱以及收件箱中的所有邮件。

Step 4 − Enter the required credentials and click the Continue button to proceed. Once configured, the email client will then provide the common features for any email client. Now, we will be able to view the Inbox as well as all the messages in the Inbox.

enter credentials

Step 5 - 单击任何消息以获取更多信息,有关所接收电子邮件的信息,如下面的屏幕截图所示。

Step 5 − Click any message to get more information on the received email as shown in the following screenshot.

click message

Sending Email

Step 1 - 在菜单选项中,单击编写选项以创建需要发送的消息。

Step 1 − In the Menu option, click the Write option to create a message which needs to be sent.

create message

Step 2 - 输入消息详细信息。完成后,单击发送按钮。请注意,这里还有一个选项可以拼写检查和添加附件。

Step 2 − Enter the message details. Once complete, click the Send Button. Note, there is also an option to spell check and add attachments.


The sent messages will be displayed in the Sent messages section as shown in the following screenshot.

enter message details


On the right-hand side of the screen, there are shortcuts available to view mail, compose a new message, and view contacts as seen in the following screenshot.

view mail