Ubuntu 简明教程

Ubuntu - LibreOffice

LibreOffice 是一套办公产品,在 Ubuntu 中可用。它类似于 Microsoft 产品套件,但有些 Microsoft Office 特性在 LibreOffice 中无法使用,反之亦然。

LibreOffice is a suite of office products available in Ubuntu. It is similar to the Microsoft suite of products although there are some features of Microsoft Office that does not work with LibreOffice and vice versa.

LibreOffice 最初于 1985 年由一家名为 StarOffice 的公司推出。2002 年,此套件由 OpenOffice.org 接手,其中 Sun Microsystems 是该产品的重大贡献者。从 2010 年起,该产品的源代码的一个单独分支被采用,现在称为 LibreOffice。

LibreOffice was first introduced in the year 1985 by a company called StarOffice. In the year 2002, the suite was taken by OpenOffice.org with Sun Microsystems being a major contributor to the product. From the year 2010 onwards, a separate branch of the source code of the product was taken which is now known as LibreOffice.

我们在后续章节中将介绍 LibreOffice Writer 和 Calc。在本章中,我们将介绍 LibreOffice Impress ,它是 Microsoft 的 PowerPoint 版本。

We will look at the LibreOffice writer and Calc in subsequent chapters. In this chapter, we will look at LibreOffice Impress which is the PowerPoint version of Microsoft.

LibreOffice 套件内置于 Ubuntu 中,且可在软件启动器中使用。

The LibreOffice suite comes in-built in Ubuntu and is available in the Software launcher.

libreoffice suite

LibreOffice 的图标在上面的屏幕截图中被圈为红色。一旦我们单击此图标,Impress 软件将启动,并将弹出以下屏幕。

The icon of LibreOffice is encircled in red in the above screenshot. Once we click on the icon, the Impress Software will launch and the following screen will pop up.

launch impress software

此界面看起来非常类似于 Microsoft PowerPoint。然后我们可以根据需要修改幻灯片上的内容。

The interface looks quite similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. We can then modify the content on the slides as required.

libreoffice interface

Adding Slides

将幻灯片添加到 Impress 与 Microsoft PowerPoint 非常类似。添加幻灯片有多种方法。一种方法是使用“重复幻灯片”选项。

Adding slides to Impress is pretty similar to Microsoft PowerPoint. There are multiple ways of adding slides. One way is to use the Duplicate Slide option.

adding slides


We can decide on the slide layout of the new slide by choosing the layout from the layout panel that appears on the right-hand side of the screen.

layout panel

Saving Slides


To save the presentation, choose the ‘Save As’ menu option.

save presentation


Provide the name and location of the slide and click the Save button.

provide slide name and location

Opening Slides


To open an existing presentation, click the Open menu option.

opening slides


Choose the location and name of the file. Click the Open button to open the presentation.

open presentation