Ubuntu 简明教程

Ubuntu - Messaging

当今桌面上使用的默认消息软件是 Skype 软件。此软件由 Microsoft 分发。Skype 默认情况下不随 Ubuntu 安装提供。它不会出现在软件中心中。我们必须从官方 Skype 网站下载并安装它。以下是如何获得它的步骤。

The default messaging software used on desktops today is the Skype software. This software is distributed by Microsoft. Skype by default does not come with Ubuntu installation. It will not be present in the Software Center. We have to download and install it from the official Skype site. Following are the steps to get this in place.

Step 1 − 转到 Skype 的官方下载网站: https://www.skype.com/en/downloadskype/skype-for-computer/

Step 1 − Go to the official download site for Skype − https://www.skype.com/en/downloadskype/skype-for-computer/

Step 2 − 此网站会自动了解我们正在使用 Linux 发行版,并提供下载 Linux 版本 Skype 的选项。我们将选择 Ubuntu 12.04 版本,因为它可在以后的发行版上运行。

Step 2 − The site will automatically understand that we are working from a Linux distribution and provide options for downloading the Linux version of Skype. We will choose the Ubuntu 12.04 version, as this will work on the later distribution.

download skype

Step 3 − 下载软件包后,它将在软件中心打开。选择安装选项以安装软件包。

Step 3 − Once the package is downloaded, it will open in the Software Center. Choose the Install option to install the package.

install package

Step 4 − Skype 安装完成后,我们可以搜索它并相应地启动它。

Step 4 − Once Skype is installed, we can search for it and launch it accordingly.

launch skype

Step 5 − 在以下屏幕截图中单击“我同意”按钮。

Step 5 − Click the ‘I Agree’ button in the following screenshot.

click agree button

Skype 现在将启动。

Skype will now launch.

Step 6 − 输入所需的凭据以开始使用 Skype。

Step 6 − Enter the required credentials to start using Skype.

enter required credentials