Versionone 简明教程

VersionOne - Invite Users

VersionOne 支持邀请功能。已登录的用户可以邀请任意数量的用户加入 VersionOne。具有管理员角色的用户可以直接将用户添加到 VersionOne。在本章中,我们将了解如何邀请用户。

VersionOne supports the invitation functionality. A logged in user can invite any number of users to join VersionOne. A user with Admin role can directly add the user into VersionOne. In this chapter, we will see steps about how to invite the user.

按照以下步骤邀请新用户加入 VersionOne 域 −

Follow these steps to invite new users into the VersionOne domain −

  1. Navigate to the Setting icon present at top right of each page and select Members as shown in the screenshot below. It opens the Member’s page with the user’s details.

  1. Login as System Admin is a prerequisite to view this option.

  2. The Members’ page that opens up displays a list of members having the domain access.

  3. At the right side, a user can view the Invite Member button where a user can select either Invite member or Add Member.

  4. Invite Member − A user gets email to join the VersionOne

  5. Add Member − The Admin provides Username and Password to add one of the team members who already has access to VersionOne for different domain. It is basically allowing access of the project to a team member

以下屏幕截图显示“邀请成员”选项 −

The following screenshot displays the Invite Member option −

invite add members


The following screenshot displays the Invite Members form where the Admin enters email of the invited member, the project to assign and the role to offer. After selecton, click on the Invite Members button.

用户将收到一封带有链接的加入 VersionOne 的电子邮件。

The user will receive the email to join the VersionOne along with a link.

invite members

Add Member

管理员用户可以直接将用户或用户组添加到 VersionOne,并可以代表用户或用户组设置用户名和密码。当团队成员需要快速访问特定项目时,这很有用。

An Admin User can directly add a user or group of users into VersionOne and can set up username and password on the user or the group’s behalf. It is useful when a team member needs quick access to specific project.

接下来让我们了解如何添加团队成员的步骤。步骤如下 −

Let us now see the steps to add a team member. The steps are as follows −

  1. To add a single user, click on the Add Member option. It will open a form wherein you have to enter full name, short name, username, password, email address, notification, admin privilege, description, etc. as shown in the screenshot below −

add member

现在,单击 Save/Save & New/Save & 查看按钮完成添加流程。

Now, click on Save/Save & New/Save & View button to complete the add process.

  1. Save & New − It will add the user and open a new form to add another user.

  2. Save & View − It will add the user and open the details of the added user.