Versionone 简明教程

VersionOne - Testboard


Testboard displays the list of acceptance tests for each backlog item and/or defect. It displays the current status of test as well; whether passed, failed or none. It is useful to view the status of each test to track the progress of individual tests during the testing cycle.

要访问 Testboard,请从主菜单中选择 Team Planner → Testboard,如下所示 −

To access Testboard, from the main menu, select Team Planner → Testboard as shown below −

team testboard
  1. A user can select the Sprint from the top left side to see the details of the respective sprint.

  2. Test Cards appear in different status columns on the board (for example, None, Passed and Failed).

  3. It shows the test title, owner, and total work estimate.

  4. Test cards are color-coded by test type (i.e., Method, Type, Manual, Automated) to give a look at the testing across project work functions.

  5. Click the Legend button at the top right of the board to see the color representation and/or to customize the color-coding scheme by the test type.

以下屏幕截图显示了测试看板视图 −

The following screenshot displays the Testboard view −


Update Test Status


In this section, we will discuss how to update test status.

  1. The Testboard has the following status columns – None, Passed and Failed.

  2. To update the status of a test from Testboard, go to Team Planner → Testboard.

  3. Drag and Drop each test horizontally to a status column to update it.

以下屏幕截图显示如何更新状态 -

Following screenshot displays how to update status −

sample store credit

Reports on Testboard


Reports on Testboard are data displayed in trend/charts to analyze the continuous progress. There are usually four types of reports available on Testboard.

用户可以通过导航到测试看板并单击屏幕截图下方显示的右上角的报告 → 报告名称来访问这些报告 −

A user can access these reports by navigating to Testboard and clicking on Reports → Name of Report present at top right as shown in the screenshot below −


站会仪表盘报告 - 它以团队冲刺工作量的方式显示其进度的概览。仪表盘显示持续的工作待完成图形和按状态累积流,其中日期是 x 轴。它还显示测试看板的当前视图。以下屏幕截图显示了站会仪表盘报告 -

Standup Dashboard Report − It displays a high-level view of team progress through its sprint workload. The dashboard displays continuous graph of the remaining work To Do and the cumulative flow by status where date is x-axis. It also displays the current view of the Testboard. The following screenshot displays the Standup Dashboard Report −

standup dashboard

测试趋势报告 - 它显示条形图,展示测试状态如何随时间而变化。它显示颜色编码的条形图;这表示在特定里程碑日期特定状态(尚未运行、已通过、已失败等)的测试数量。以下屏幕截图显示了测试趋势报告 -

Test Trend Report − It displays the bar graph to show how the status of the tests has changed over a period of time. It displays color-coded bars; this indicates the number of tests in specific status (not yet run, passed, failed, etc.) at specific milestone dates. The following screenshot displays the Test Trend report −

test trend
  1. Test Runs Report − It displays the bar graph showing project-level test results from an external testing system by test status (for example, not yet run, passed, failed).

  2. Burndown Report − It displays the progress of a team through its sprint workload. It displays the amount of work done and remaining to be done (To Do) versus the expected (ideal) schedule.