Consumer Events

无论何时监听器(消费者)遇到某种故障,容器都会发布应用程序事件。ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent 事件具有以下属性:

The containers publish application events whenever a listener (consumer) experiences a failure of some kind. The event ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent has the following properties:

  • container: The listener container where the consumer experienced the problem.

  • reason: A textual reason for the failure.

  • fatal: A boolean indicating whether the failure was fatal. With non-fatal exceptions, the container tries to restart the consumer, according to the recoveryInterval or recoveryBackoff (for the SimpleMessageListenerContainer) or the monitorInterval (for the DirectMessageListenerContainer).

  • throwable: The Throwable that was caught.

可以通过实现 ApplicationListener<ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent> 来消耗这些事件。

These events can be consumed by implementing ApplicationListener<ListenerContainerConsumerFailedEvent>.

concurrentConsumers 大于 1 时,所有消费者都会发布系统级事件(如连接故障)。

System-wide events (such as connection failures) are published by all consumers when concurrentConsumers is greater than 1.

如果消费者失败是因为它的一个队列正在被独占使用,默认情况下,除了发布事件外,还会发出 DEBUG 日志(从 3.1 开始,此前为 WARN)。要更改此日志行为,请在 AbstractMessageListenerContainer 实例的 exclusiveConsumerExceptionLogger 属性中提供一个自定义的 ConditionalExceptionLogger。此外,SimpleMessageListenerContainer 消费者在遇到此类异常后的重新启动现在默认情况下记录在 DEBUG 级别(以前为 INFO)。已将新方法 logRestart() 添加到 ConditionalExceptionLogger 以允许对其进行更改。

If a consumer fails because one if its queues is being used exclusively, by default, as well as publishing the event, a DEBUG log is issued (since 3.1, previously WARN). To change this logging behavior, provide a custom ConditionalExceptionLogger in the AbstractMessageListenerContainer instance’s exclusiveConsumerExceptionLogger property. In addition, the SimpleMessageListenerContainer consumer restart after such an exception is now logged at DEBUG level by default (previously INFO). A new method logRestart() has been added to the ConditionalExceptionLogger to allow this to be changed.

此外,AbstractMessageListenerContainer.DefaultExclusiveConsumerLogger 现在是公开的,允许对其进行子类化。

Also, the AbstractMessageListenerContainer.DefaultExclusiveConsumerLogger is now public, allowing it to be sub classed.

致命错误始终在 ERROR 级别记录。此项不可修改。

Fatal errors are always logged at the ERROR level. This it not modifiable.


Several other events are published at various stages of the container lifecycle:

  • AsyncConsumerStartedEvent: When the consumer is started.

  • AsyncConsumerRestartedEvent: When the consumer is restarted after a failure - SimpleMessageListenerContainer only.

  • AsyncConsumerTerminatedEvent: When a consumer is stopped normally.

  • AsyncConsumerStoppedEvent: When the consumer is stopped - SimpleMessageListenerContainer only.

  • ConsumeOkEvent: When a consumeOk is received from the broker, contains the queue name and consumerTag

  • ListenerContainerIdleEvent: See Detecting Idle Asynchronous Consumers.

  • MissingQueueEvent: When a missing queue is detected.