Detecting Idle Asynchronous Consumers


While efficient, one problem with asynchronous consumers is detecting when they are idle — users might want to take some action if no messages arrive for some period of time.

从 1.6 版开始,现在可以通过设置监听器容器,以便在没有消息传递时经过一段时间后发布 ListenerContainerIdleEvent 来对其进行配置。在容器空闲时,每隔 idleEventInterval 毫秒发布一次事件。

Starting with version 1.6, it is now possible to configure the listener container to publish a ListenerContainerIdleEvent when some time passes with no message delivery. While the container is idle, an event is published every idleEventInterval milliseconds.

要配置此功能,请在容器上设置 idleEventInterval。以下示例展示了如何在 XML 和 Java 中执行此操作(适用于 SimpleMessageListenerContainerSimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory):

To configure this feature, set idleEventInterval on the container. The following example shows how to do so in XML and in Java (for both a SimpleMessageListenerContainer and a SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory):

<rabbit:listener-container connection-factory="connectionFactory"
    <rabbit:listener id="container1" queue-names="foo" ref="myListener" method="handle" />
public SimpleMessageListenerContainer(ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
    SimpleMessageListenerContainer container = new SimpleMessageListenerContainer(connectionFactory);
    return container;
public SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory rabbitListenerContainerFactory() {
    SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory factory = new SimpleRabbitListenerContainerFactory();
    return factory;


In each of these cases, an event is published once per minute while the container is idle.

Event Consumption

您可以通过实现 ApplicationListener 来捕获空闲事件——它既可以是一个通用监听器,也可以是专门接收此特定事件的监听器。您还可以使用 Spring Framework 4.2 中引入的 @EventListener

You can capture idle events by implementing ApplicationListener — either a general listener, or one narrowed to only receive this specific event. You can also use @EventListener, introduced in Spring Framework 4.2.

以下示例将 @RabbitListener@EventListener 组合到单个类中。您需要理解应用程序监听器可以获取所有容器的事件,因此如果您想根据哪个容器处于空闲状态执行特定操作,您可能需要检查监听器 ID。您还可以为此目的使用 @EventListener condition

The following example combines the @RabbitListener and @EventListener into a single class. You need to understand that the application listener gets events for all containers, so you may need to check the listener ID if you want to take specific action based on which container is idle. You can also use the @EventListener condition for this purpose.


The events have four properties:

  • source: The listener container instance

  • id: The listener ID (or container bean name)

  • idleTime: The time the container had been idle when the event was published

  • queueNames: The names of the queue(s) that the container listens to

以下示例演示了如何同时使用 @RabbitListener@EventListener 注释创建监听器:

The following example shows how to create listeners by using both the @RabbitListener and the @EventListener annotations:

public class Listener {

    @RabbitListener(id="someId", queues="#{}")
    public String listen(String foo) {
        return foo.toUpperCase();

    @EventListener(condition = "event.listenerId == 'someId'")
    public void onApplicationEvent(ListenerContainerIdleEvent event) {


事件侦听器会看到所有容器的事件。因此,在前面的示例中,我们根据侦听器 ID 缩小接收的事件范围。

Event listeners see events for all containers. Consequently, in the preceding example, we narrow the events received based on the listener ID.

如果你希望使用空闲事件来停止侦听器容器,则不应在调用侦听器的线程上调用 container.stop()。这样做总是会导致延迟和不必要的日志消息。相反,你应该将事件传递给可以停止容器的其他线程。

If you wish to use the idle event to stop the lister container, you should not call container.stop() on the thread that calls the listener. Doing so always causes delays and unnecessary log messages. Instead, you should hand off the event to a different thread that can then stop the container.