MySql 中文参考指南

Appendix B Error Messages and Common Problems


Table of Contents

本附录描述了 MySQL 提供的错误信息类型以及如何获取有关这些信息的内容。最后一部分用于故障排除。它描述了可能发生的常见问题和错误及潜在解决方案。

This appendix describes the types of error information MySQL provides and how to obtain information about them. The final section is for troubleshooting. It describes common problems and errors that may occur and potential resolutions.

Additional Resources


Other error-related documentation includes:

  1. Information about configuring where and how the server writes the error log: Section 7.4.2, “The Error Log”

  2. Information about the character set used for error messages: Section 12.6, “Error Message Character Set”

  3. Information about the language used for error messages: Section 12.12, “Setting the Error Message Language”

  4. Information about errors related to InnoDB: Section 17.20.5, “InnoDB Error Handling”

  5. Information about errors specific to NDB Cluster: NDB Cluster API Errors; see also NDB API Errors and Error Handling, and MGM API Errors

  6. Descriptions of the error messages that the MySQL server and client programs generate: MySQL 9.0 Error Message Reference