MySql 中文参考指南

Chapter 6 MySQL Programs


Table of Contents

本章提供了 Oracle Corporation 提供的 MySQL 命令行程序的一个简要概述。它还讨论了在运行这些程序时指定选项的常规语法。大多数程序都有一些特定于自身操作的选项,但所有程序的选项语法都类似。最后,本章提供了各个程序的更详细描述,包括它们识别的选项。

This chapter provides a brief overview of the MySQL command-line programs provided by Oracle Corporation. It also discusses the general syntax for specifying options when you run these programs. Most programs have options that are specific to their own operation, but the option syntax is similar for all of them. Finally, the chapter provides more detailed descriptions of individual programs, including which options they recognize.