MySql 中文参考指南
Chapter 3 Upgrading MySQL
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本章介绍了升级 MySQL 安装的步骤。
This chapter describes the steps to upgrade a MySQL installation.
升级是一种常见过程,因为您会在相同 MySQL 版本系列中找到错误修复,或者在主要 MySQL 版本中找到重要功能。您首先在一些测试系统上执行此过程,以确保 all 都平稳运行,然后在生产系统上执行。
Upgrading is a common procedure, as you pick up bug fixes within the same MySQL release series or significant features between major MySQL releases. You perform this procedure first on some test systems to make sure everything works smoothly, and then on the production systems.
在以下讨论中,必须使用具有管理权限的 MySQL 帐户运行的 MySQL 命令包括 -u _root _ 在命令行上指定 MySQL root 用户。root 密码所需的命令还包括 -p 选项。因为 -p 后面没有选项值,所以此类命令会提示输入密码。在提示时键入密码,然后按 Enter。 |
In the following discussion, MySQL commands that must be run using a MySQL account with administrative privileges include -u _root _ on the command line to specify the MySQL root user. Commands that require a password for root also include a -p option. Because -p is followed by no option value, such commands prompt for the password. Type the password when prompted and press Enter. |
可以使用 mysql 命令行客户端(以 root 连接以确保您拥有必要的权限)执行 SQL 语句。 |
SQL statements can be executed using the mysql command-line client (connect as root to ensure that you have the necessary privileges). |