Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Connections
你可以在 Cognos Studio 中根据不同的数据源报告交互式用户报告,方法是在 Web 管理界面中创建关系和 OLAP 连接,这些连接稍后在 Framework Manager 中用于数据建模,称为软件包。在 Cognos Studio 中创建的所有报告和仪表板都发布到 Cognos Connection 和门户供分发。报告工作室可用于运行复杂报告并查看商业智能信息,或者还可以从发布它们的各个门户中访问此信息。
You can report interactive user reports in Cognos Studio on the top of various data sources by creating relational and OLAP connections in web administration interface which are later used for data modeling in Framework Manager known as packages. All the reports and dashboards that are created in Cognos Studio they are published to Cognos Connection and portal for distribution. The report studio can be used to run the complex report and to view the Business Intelligence information or this can also be accessed from different portals where they are published.
Cognos Connections 用于访问报告、查询、分析和软件包。它们还可用于创建报告快捷方式、URL 和页面并组织条目,还可以针对其他用例进行自定义。
Cognos Connections are used to access reports, queries, analysis, and packages. They can also be used to create report shortcuts, URLs and pages and to organize entries and they can also be customized for other use.

Connecting Different Data Sources
A data source defines the physical connection to a database and different connection parameters like connection time out, location of database, etc. A data source connection contains credential and sign on information. You can create a new database connection or can also edit an existing data source connection.
你还可以组合一个或多个数据源连接并使用 Framework Manager 创建和发布软件包。
You can also combine one or more data source connections and create packages and published them using Framework manager.
Dynamic Query Mode
动态查询模式用于使用 XMLA/Java 连接为数据源提供通信。要连接到关系数据库,你可以使用 type4 JDBC 连接,它将 JDBC 调用转换为供应商特定格式。与 type 2 驱动程序相比,它提供了更高的性能,因为无需将调用转换为 ODBC 或数据库 API。Cognos 连接中的动态查询模式可以支持以下类型的关系数据库 -
The dynamic query mode is used to provide communication to data source using XMLA/Java connections. To connect to the Relation database, you can use type4 JDBC connection which converts JDBC calls into vendor specific format. It provides improved performance over type 2 drivers because there is no need to convert calls to ODBC or database API. Dynamic query mode in Cognos connection can support the following types of Relational databases −
Microsoft SQL Server
为了支持 OLAP 数据源,Java/XMLA 连接为不同的 OLAP 版本和技术提供了优化和增强的 MDX。Cognos 中的动态查询模式可与以下 OLAP 数据源一起使用 -
To support OLAP data sources, Java/XMLA connectivity provides optimized and enhanced MDX for different OLAP versions and technology. The Dynamic query mode in Cognos can be used with the following OLAP data sources −
SAP Business Information Warehouse (SAP BW)
Oracle Essbase
Microsoft Analysis Services
IBM Cognos TM1
IBM Cognos Real-time Monitoring
DB2 Data Sources
DB2 连接类型用于连接至 DB2 Windows、Unix 和 Linux、Db2 zOS 等。
The DB2 connection type are used to connect to DB2 Windows, Unix and Linux, Db2 zOS, etc.
DB2 数据源中使用的常见连接参数包括以下内容:
The common connection parameters used in DB2 data source includes −
Database Name
DB2 connect string
Collation Sequence
Creating a Data Source Connection in IBM Cognos
要在 IBM Cognos Framework Manager 中创建模型,需要创建一个数据源连接。在定义数据源连接时,需要输入连接参数,如数据库的位置、超时时间间隔、登录凭证等。
To create models in IBM Cognos Framework Manager, there is a need to create a data source connection. When defining the data source connection, you need to enter the connection parameters – location of database, timeout interval, Sign-on, etc.
在 IBM Cognos Connection 中,单击 Launch IBM Cognos Administration
In IBM Cognos Connection → click on the Launch IBM Cognos Administration

在“配置”选项卡中,单击数据源连接。在此窗口中,导航至 New Data Source button 。
In the Configuration tab, click Data Source Connections. In this window, navigate to the New Data Source button.

Enter the unique connection name and description.

You can add a description related to the data source to uniquely identify the connection and click the next button.

Select the type of connection from the drop down list and click on the next button as shown in the following screenshot.

In the next screen that appears, enter the connection details as shown in the following screenshot.

You can use the Test connection to test the connectivity to the data source using connection parameters that you have defined. Click on the finish button once done.
Data Source Security Setup
可以使用 IBM Cognos 身份验证来定义数据源安全性。根据数据源,可以在 Cognos 连接中配置不同的身份验证类型:
Data Source Security can be defined using IBM Cognos authentication. As per the data source, different types of authentication can be configured in the Cognos connection −
No Authentication - 此项允许在不使用任何登录凭证的情况下登录到数据源。此类型的连接不会提供连接中的数据源安全性。
No Authentication − This allows login to the data source without using any sign-on credentials. This type of connection doesn’t provide data source security in connection.
IBM Cognos Software Service Credential - 在此类型的登录中,你需要使用指定给 IBM Cognos 服务的登录凭证登录到数据源,而且用户不需要单独的数据库登录凭证。在实时环境中,建议使用单独的数据库登录凭证。
IBM Cognos Software Service Credential − In this type of a sign-on, you log in to the data source using a logon specified for the IBM Cognos Service and the user does not require a separate database sign-on. In a live environment, it is advisable to use individual database sign on.
External Name Space - 此项要求使用相同的 BI 登录凭证,这用于认证外部认证名称空间。用户必须先登录到名称空间,然后才能登录到数据源,而且该名称空间应当是启用的。
External Name Space − It requires the same BI logon credentials that are used to authenticate the external authentication namespace. The user must be logged into the name space before logging in to the data source and it should be active.

All the data sources also support data source sign-on defined for everyone in the group or for individual users, group or roles. If the data source requires a data source sign-on, but you don’t have the access to a sign-on for this data source, you will be prompted to log on each time you access the data source.
IBM Cognos 还支持立方体级别的安全性。如果你正在使用立方体,可以在立方体级别设置安全性。对于 Microsoft Analysis Service ,可以在立方体级别角色中定义安全性。
IBM Cognos also supports security at cube level. If you are using cubes, security may be set at the cube level. For Microsoft Analysis Service, security is defined at the cube level roles.