Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Create an Analysis
要在 Analysis studio 中创建分析,您必须选择一个包作为数据源。您可以创建一个新分析,或者使用现有的分析作为参考来创建新分析,方法是先更改它的名称再保存它。
To create an analysis in the Analysis studio, you have to select a package as data source. You can create a new analysis or use an existing analysis as reference to create a new analysis by changing its name before saving it.
要创建一个分析 − 从 Public 文件夹中选择您想要使用的包。转到 Report Studio,如以下屏幕截图所示。
To create an Analysis − Select the Package you want to use from the Public folder. Go to Report Studio as shown in the following screenshot.

在新的对话窗口中,选择 Blank Analysis 或 Default Analysis。
In a new dialog window, select a Blank Analysis or Default Analysis.
Blank Analysis − A blank analysis starts with a blank crosstab in the work area.
Default Analysis − A default analysis uses the default analysis for the package as defined in Cognos Connection or the first two dimensions in the data source for the crosstab rows and columns and the first measure in the data source for the crosstab measure.
选择后,单击 OK。Analysis Studio 将开始运行。您可在分析中使用的项目会列在可插入对象窗格中。
After selecting, click OK. The Analysis Studio starts. The items that you can use in the analysis are listed in the Insertable Objects pane.