Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Report Studio
Report Studio 是报表开发者用来基于多个数据源创建多页复杂报表的一款基于网络的工具。您可以创建销售报表、库存报表、账户报表、资产负债表等。
Report Studio is a web-based tool that is used by report developers to create multi pages, complex reports on top of multiple data sources. You can create sales reports, inventory reports, account statements, balance sheets, etc.
How to Create a Report in Report Studio?
若要使用 Report Studio 创建报表,您应很好地了解用户界面。Report Studio 的用户界面被划分为两部分 −
To create Reports in Report Studio, you should have a good understanding on user interface. Report Studio user interface is divided into two parts −
Explorer Bar on the Left Side.
Work area for report design.

上面的屏幕截图包含三个主要模块,如下所示 −
The above screenshot has three major blocks, which are as follows −
Insertable Object Pane − The Insertable Objects pane contains objects that you can add to a report. These objects can be added by dragging them to the work area. It can contain − Source tab (That contains item from the package). Data Items (Queries created in the report). Toolbox (different objects like graphics that can be added to the report)
Properties Pane − The Properties pane lists the properties that you can set for an object in a report. To get the help, select the property and use keyboard key F1.
Work Area − The work area is known as the area where the report is designed.
How to Open Report Studio?
在主页上,转到 Launch → Report Studio → Select a Package 或在 IBM Cognos 欢迎页中,单击“创作高级报表”以打开 Report Studio。
On the home page, go to Launch → Report Studio → Select a Package or in the IBM Cognos Welcome page, click on Author advanced reports to open Report Studio.

在 Report Studio 主界面中,您可以选择创建新报表或打开现有报表。
On the home screen of Report Studio, you have an option to create a new report or open an existing report.

You will be prompted to select the type of report you want to create. You have the option to select different report types.