Cognos 简明教程
Cognos - Filters
使用过滤器来限制报告中所需的数据。可以在 Cognos 报告中应用一个或多个过滤器,报告会返回符合过滤器条件的数据。您可以根据要求在报告中创建多个自定义过滤器。
Filters are used to limit the data that you want in your report. You can apply one or more filters in a Cognos report and the report returns the data that meet the filter conditions. You can create various custom filters in a report as per the requirement.
Select the column to filter by.
Click the drop down list from the Filter button.
Choose Create Custom Filter.
The Filter Condition dialog displays.

In the next window, define the filter’s parameters.
Condition − click the list arrow to see your choices (Show or Don’t show the following values).
Values − click the list arrow to see your choices.
Keywords − allows you to search for specific values within the values list.
Values List − shows the field values which you can use as filter values. You can select one or many. Use the arrow button to add multiple values.

选择一个值,然后单击指向右边的箭头以将该值移入选定栏。您可以使用 Ctrl 键一次添加多个值。在定义好筛选器后单击确定。
Select a value and click the right pointing arrow to move the value into the selected column. You can use the Ctrl key to add multiple values at tone time. Click OK when the filter is defined.
Note - 您可以在查询资源管理器页面(而非页面资源管理器)中查看筛选器。您可以转至查询资源管理器并查看筛选器。
Note − You can view filters in the Query Explorer page and not the page explorer. You can go to the query explorer and view the filters.

Deleting a Filter
可以通过以下步骤删除筛选器 -
A filter can be deleted by using the following steps −
Go to the Query Explorer as shown in the above screenshot
Click on Query and Locate the Detail Filters pane in the upper right side of the window as shown in above screenshot
Select the filter that you want to delete and press the delete button
You can also cut/copy a filter