Internet Technologies 简明教程
Email Operations
Here we will discuss the operations that can be performed on an e-mail. But first of all we will learn how to create an email account.
Creating Email Account
有各种电子邮件服务提供商可用,例如 Gmail, hotmail, ymail, rediff mail 等。此处我们将学习如何使用 Gmail 创建帐户。
There are various email service provider available such as Gmail, hotmail, ymail, rediff mail etc. Here we will learn how to create an account using Gmail.
Open and click create an account.
Now a form will appear. Fill your details here and click Next Step.

This step allows you to add your picture. If you don’t want to upload now, you can do it later. Click Next Step.
Now a welcome window appears. Click Continue to Gmail.
Wow!! You are done with creating your email account with Gmail. It’s that easy. Isn’t it?
Now you will see your Gmail account as shown in the following image:

Key Points:
Key Points:
Gmail manages the mail into three categories namely Primary, Social and Promotions.
Compose option is given at the right to compose an email message.
Inbox, Starred, Sent mail, Drafts options are available on the left pane which allows you to keep track of your emails.
Composing and Sending Email
Before sending an email, we need to compose a message. When we are composing an email message, we specify the following things:
Sender’s address in To field
Cc (if required)
Bcc (if required)
Subject of email message
一旦您指定了上述所有参数,就是发送电子邮件的时候了。邮件程序提供了“发送”按钮来发送电子邮件,当您单击“发送”时,它会发送到邮件服务器并且消息 mail sent successfully 显示在上面。
Once you have specified all the above parameters, It’s time to send the email. The mailer program provides a Send button to send email, when you click Send, it is sent to the mail server and a message mail sent successfully is shown at the above.
Reading Email
每个电子邮件程序都为您提供了访问电子邮件消息的界面。就像在 Gmail 中一样,电子邮件存储在不同的标签下,例如主要、社交和促销。当您单击其中一个选项卡时,它会显示该选项卡下的电子邮件列表。
Every email program offers you an interface to access email messages. Like in Gmail, emails are stored under different tabs such as primary, social, and promotion. When you click one of tab, it displays a list of emails under that tab.
In order to read an email, you just have to click on that email. Once you click a particular email, it gets opened.
已打开的电子邮件可能附带了一些文件。附件显示在已打开电子邮件的底部,并带有称为 download attachment. 的选项。
The opened email may have some file attached with it. The attachments are shown at the bottom of the opened email with an option called download attachment.
Replying Email
在读完电子邮件后,您可能需要回复该电子邮件。要回复电子邮件,请单击已打开电子邮件底部显示的 Reply 选项。
After reading an email, you may have to reply that email. To reply an email, click Reply option shown at the bottom of the opened email.
Once you click on Reply, it will automatically copy the sender’s address in to the To field. Below the To field, there is a text box where you can type the message.
Once you are done with entering message, click Send button. It’s that easy. Your email is sent.
Forwarding Email
如果您愿意,还可以发送已收到消息的副本以及您自己的评论。这可以使用邮件客户端软件中提供的 forward 按钮来完成。
It is also possible to send a copy of the message that you have received along with your own comments if you want. This can be done using forward button available in mail client software.
The difference between replying and forwarding an email is that when you reply a message to a person who has send the mail but while forwarding you can send it to anyone.
当您收到转发的消息时,该消息会在每行的前面用 > 字符标记,并且 Subject: 字段前缀为 Fw. 。
When you receive a forwarded message, the message is marked with a > character in front of each line and Subject: field is prefixed with Fw.
Deleting Email
如果您不想将电子邮件保留在收件箱中,您可以通过从邮件列表中选择该邮件并单击 delete 或按相应的命令将其删除。
If you don’t want to keep email into your inbox, you can delete it by simply selecting the message from the message list and clicking delete or pressing the appropriate command.
Some mail clients offers the deleted mails to be stored in a folder called deleted items or trash from where you can recover a deleted email.