Internet Technologies 简明教程

Intranet Overview



Intranet is defined as private network of computers within an organization with its own server and firewall. Moreover we can define Intranet as:

  1. Intranet is system in which multiple PCs are networked to be connected to each other. PCs in intranet are not available to the world outside of the intranet.

  2. Usually each company or organization has their own Intranet network and members/employees of that company can access the computers in their intranet.

  3. Every computer in internet is identified by a unique IP address.

  4. Each computer in Intranet is also identified by a IP Address, which is unique among the computers in that Intranet.

internet intranet



Intranet is very efficient and reliable network system for any organization. It is beneficial in every aspect such as collaboration, cost-effectiveness, security, productivity and much more.

internet intranet advantages



Intranet offers easy and cheap communication within an organization. Employees can communicate using chat, e-mail or blogs.

Time Saving


Information on Intranet is shared in real time.



Information is distributed among the employees as according to requirement and it can be accessed by the authorized users, resulting in enhanced teamwork.

Platform Independency


Intranet can connect computers and other devices with different architecture.

Cost Effective


Employees can see the data and other documents using browser rather than printing them and distributing duplicate copies among the employees, which certainly decreases the cost.

Workforce Productivity


Data is available at every time and can be accessed using company workstation. This helps the employees work faster.

Business Management


It is also possible to deploy applications that support business operations.


由于 Intranet 上共享的信息只能在一个组织内访问,因此几乎没有被盗的可能。

Since information shared on intranet can only be accessed within an organization, therefore there is almost no chance of being theft.

Specific Users

Intranet 仅针对组织内的特定用户,因此可以准确地知道与谁进行交互。

Intranet targets only specific users within an organization therefore, once can exactly know whom he is interacting.

Immediate Updates


Any changes made to information are reflected immediately to all the users.


除了 Intranet 的一些好处外,还存在一些问题。这些问题显示在下面的图表中:

Apart from several benefits of Intranet, there also exist some issues.. These issues are shown in the following diagram:

internet interanet issues

Applications of Intranet

Intranet 应用程序与 Internet 应用程序相同。Intranet 应用程序也可以通过 Web 浏览器访问。唯一区别在于,Intranet 应用程序驻留在本地服务器上,而 Internet 应用程序驻留在远程服务器上。在这里,我们讨论了其中一些应用程序:

Intranet applications are same as that of Internet applications. Intranet applications are also accessed through a web browser. The only difference is that, Intranet applications reside on local server while Internet applications reside on remote server. Here, we’ve discussed some of these applications:

internet intranet applications

Document publication applications


Document publication applications allow publishing documents such as manuals, software guide, employee profits etc without use of paper.

Electronic resources applications


It offers electronic resources such as software applications, templates and tools, to be shared across the network.

Interactive Communication applications

与 Internet 一样,我们有类似 Intranet 的电子邮件和聊天应用程序,因此在员工之间提供交互式通信。

Like on internet, we have e-mail and chat like applications for Intranet, hence offering an interactive communication among employees.

Support for Internet Applications

Intranet 提供了一个在将应用程序放在 Internet 上之前部署和测试应用程序的环境。

Intranet offers an environment to deploy and test applications before placing them on Internet.

Internet vs. Intranet

除了相似之处之外,两者还有一些不同之处。以下是 Internet 和 Intranet 之间の違い:

Apart from similarities there are some differences between the two. Following are the differences between Internet and Intranet:



Localized Network.

Worldwide Network

Doesn’t have access to Intranet

Have access to Internet.

More Expensive

Less Expensive

More Safe

Less Safe

More Reliability

Less Reliability

Characteristics of Intranet

Intranet 的一些关键特征如下所述:

Some of the key Characteristics of an Intranet are as follows −

  1. Effective for Internal Communication − An intranet is a dedicated private network to disseminate information within the organization.

  2. Collaboration Tools − Intranets specifically designed to perform collaborative work like project management systems, shared workspaces, and collaborative document editing.

  3. Document management − The intranet keeps company records in a central place, and organizes, and shares documents.

  4. Employee directory − The intranet keeps employees' information contact.

  5. Security − An intranet incorporates security features such as user authentication, encryption, and access controls to secure data/information and the company’s strategic information.

  6. Scalability − Intranets are scalable to meet the changing needs of an organization.

  7. Low-Cost Mechanism − The intranet is a low-cost alternative for internal communication and collaboration that eliminates the need for actual meetings and printed information.

  8. Remote Access − Allows authenticated users to connect to the intranet remotely.

How does the Intranet Work?


The working of an Intranet depends on different components attached to its network. It works on client-server-based architecture. The below-mentioned diagram below describes its working.


PC1、PC2 和高达 PCn 是组织的不同用户;这些可以被视为向服务器发送请求的公司员工。

PC1, PC2 and up to PCn are the different users of an organisation; these can considered as employees of the company who send requests to the server.




It is a kind of supercomputer which receives requests from multiple uses connected with the intranet. It processes multiple requests stores organisations' data and makes a central repository of files and documents to disseminate amongst users as and when required.



It’s a security device which protects the intranet from unauthorised users.



It’s a global network which connects intranet from the global world

Types of Intranets

一些最常见的内部网络类型如下所列 -

Some most common types of intranets are as follows −

Corporate Intranet


Generally, a Corporate Intranet is set by large organisations to provide corporate information and share its resources amongst its employees and trusted outside users. It includes company news, policies, directories, and tools for collaboration and communication.

Collaboration Intranet


The Collaboration Intranet focuses on improving teamwork and collaboration. Its salient features are shared workspaces, collaborative document editing, and project management.

Project-based Intranet


This intranet is specifically designed to work on specific projects dedicated within an organization. It includes project documentation, deadlines, task management tools, and communication channels.

Social Intranet


A social intranet is specifically designed to do social interaction and collaboration among employees. Its salient features include social networking tools, forums, chat, blogs, and wikis.

Mobile Intranet


Mobile intranet optimizes the network for mobile devices, allowing employees to access it. It facilitates users by giving mobile-friendly interfaces and applications.

Cloud-based Intranet

顾名思义,基于云的内部网托管在云服务器上,它提供可扩展性、可访问性,并减少了维护。此内部网包括 SaaS(软件即服务)解决方案。

As its name implies; a Cloud-based Intranet hosted on cloud servers, providing scalability, accessibility, and reduced maintenance. This intranet includes SaaS (Software as a Service) solutions.

Advantages of using Intranet

使用内部网的一些潜在好处包括以下内容 -

Some potential benefits of using an intranet include the following −

  1. Effective communication − provides centralised information sharing and collaboration.

  2. Simplified records management − All the business information or documents are available centrally.

  3. Streamlined tracking of requests − A transparent system allows keeping track of requests.

  4. Open system − It offers an open forum to share innovative ideas to implement on a company’s site.

  5. Encourages participation and interaction − It promotes a business culture that values employees which encourages participation and interaction.

  6. Enhanced data security − Intranet provides a secure platform for sharing sensitive information.