Internet Technologies 简明教程

Social Networking



Social Networking refers to grouping of individuals and organizations together via some medium, in order to share thoughts, interests, and activities.

有多个基于 Web 的社交网站服务可用,比如 Facebook、Twitter、LinkedIn、Google+ 等,它们提供易于使用且便于与国内和海外的人员建立联系的交互式界面。还有多个基于手机的社交网络服务,比如 WhatsApp、Hike、Line 等。

There are several web based social network services are available such as facebook, twitter, linkedin, Google+ etc. which offer easy to use and interactive interface to connect with people with in the country an overseas as well. There are also several mobile based social networking services in for of apps such as Whatsapp, hike, Line etc.

Available Social networking Services

下表描述了通过 Web 和手机提供的一些著名的社交网络服务:

The following table describes some of the famous social networking services provided over web and mobile:


Service Description


Facebook Allows to share text, photos, video etc. It also offers interesting online games.


Google+ It is pronounced as Google Plus. It is owned and operated by Google.


Twitter Twitter allows the user to send and reply messages in form of tweets. These tweets are the small messages, generally include 140+ characters.


Faceparty Faceparty is a UK based social networking site. It allows the users to create profiles and interact with each other using forums messages.


Linkedin Linkedin is a business and professional networking site.


Flickr Flickr offers image hosting and video hosting.


Ibibo Ibibo is a talent based social networking site. It allows the users to promote one’s self and also discover new talent.


Whatsapp It is a mobile based messaging app. It allows to send text, video, and audio messages


Line It is same as whatsapp. Allows to make free calls and messages.


Hike It is also mobile based messager allows to send messages and exciting emoticons.

Where Social Networking Helps


Following are the areas where social networking has become most popular:

Online Marketing

像 Facebook 等网站允许我们为特定产品、社区或公司创建页面并在网络上进行推广。

Website like facebook allows us to create a page for specific product, community or firm and promiting over the web.

Online Jobs

像 LinkedIn 等网站允许我们与专业人士建立联系,并根据个人的特定技能集帮助寻找合适的工作。

Website like linkedin allows us to create connection with professionals and helps to find the suitable job based on one’s specific skills set.

Online News


On social networking sites, people also post daily news which helps us to keep us updated.



Social networking allows us to keep in contact with friends and family. We can communicate with them via messages.

Share Picture, Audio and video


One can share picture, audio and video using social networking sites.