Next Steps

  • 任务导向的开发者可以转到入门指南

  • 那些寻求一般性概述的人可以阅读“使用 {project-full-name}”

  • 那些对 {project-full-name} 的特性感兴趣的人可以跳到相关章节

  • 想要查看示例的读者可以参考提供的样本

希望本部分提供了一些 {project-full-name} 基础知识,并使您可以在编写自己的应用程序之路上启程。如果您是任务导向型开发人员,您可能想要进入 [role="bare"][role="bare"] 并查看一些帮助解决特定 “How do I do that with Spring?” 问题的 getting started 指南。我们还提供了 {project-full-name} 专用的 “how-to” 参考文档。

Hopefully, this section provided some of the {project-full-name} basics and got you on your way to writing your own applications. If you are a task-oriented type of developer, you might want to jump over to [role="bare"] and check out some getting started guides that solve specific “How do I do that with Spring?” problems. We also have {project-full-name}-specific “how-to” reference documentation.

否则,下一步则是阅读 Using {project-full-name}。如果你真的迫不及待,还可以跳过并阅读关于 {project-full-name} features 的内容。

Otherwise, the next logical step is to read Using {project-full-name}. If you are really impatient, you could also jump ahead and read about {project-full-name} features.


In addition, you can check out the following videos:

  • "Consumer Driven Contracts and Your Microservice Architecture" by Olga Maciaszek-Sharma and Marcin Grzejszczak

  • "Contract Tests in the Enterprise" by Marcin Grzejszczak

  • "Why Contract Tests Matter?" by Marcin Grzejszczak

您可在 samples 中找到默认项目示例。

You can find the default project samples at samples.