How Can I Make The Build Pass if There Are No Contracts or Stubs

Если вы хотите, чтобы Stub Runner не завершал работу при отсутствии заглушек, переключите свойство generateStubs в аннотации @AutoConfigureStubRunner или вызовите метод withFailOnNoStubs(false) для правила или расширения JUnit. Дополнительные сведения об этом вы можете прочитать в разделе this section документации.

If you want Stub Runner not to fail if no stubs were found, switch the generateStubs property in the @AutoConfigureStubRunner annotation or call the withFailOnNoStubs(false) method on the JUnit Rule or Extension. You can read more about this in this section of the documentation.

如果您希望在未找到契约的情况下插件不使构建失败,则可以在 Maven 中设置 failOnNoStubs 标志或在 Gradle 中调用 contractRepository { failOnNoStubs(false) } 闭包。

If you want the plugins not to fail the build when no contracts were found, you can set the failOnNoStubs flag in Maven or call the contractRepository { failOnNoStubs(false) } closure in Gradle.