Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner

Spring Cloud Contract Verifier 使用过程中您可能遇到的一个问题是从服务器端向客户端端(或各种客户端)传递生成的 WireMock JSON 存根。消息传递的客户端端生成也存在同样的问题。

One of the issues that you might encounter while using Spring Cloud Contract Verifier is passing the generated WireMock JSON stubs from the server side to the client side (or to various clients). The same takes place in terms of client-side generation for messaging.

手动复制 JSON 文件并将客户端设置为进行消息传递是不可能的。这就是我们要引入 Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner 的原因。它可以自动下载并为您运行存根。

Copying the JSON files and setting the client side for messaging manually is out of the question. That is why we introduced Spring Cloud Contract Stub Runner. It can automatically download and run the stubs for you.