How Can I Mark that a Contract Is in Progress

如果合约正在处理中,则意味着在生产者方面,没有生成测试,但生成了存根。你可以在该文档的 this section 中阅读更多相关内容。

If a contract is in progress, it means that the, on the producer side, tests are not generated, but the stub is generated. You can read more about this in this section of the documentation.

在进入生成之前,在 CI 构建中,您希望确保没有进行中的契约位于 classpath 中,因为它们可能导致误报。出于此原因,在 Spring Cloud Contract 插件中,我们默认将 failOnInProgress 的值设置为 true。如果您希望在生成测试时允许此类契约,请将标志设置为 false

In a CI build, before going to production, you would like to ensure that no in-progress contracts are on the classpath, because they may lead to false positives. For this reason, by default, in the Spring Cloud Contract plugin, we set the value of failOnInProgress to true. If you want to allow such contracts when tests are to be generated, set the flag to false.