Message Channels

除了带有 EIP 方法的 IntegrationFlowBuilder 之外,Java DSL 还提供了一个流畅的 API 来配置 MessageChannel 实例。为此,提供了 MessageChannels 生成器工厂。以下示例显示了如何使用它:

In addition to the IntegrationFlowBuilder with EIP methods, the Java DSL provides a fluent API to configure MessageChannel instances. For this purpose the MessageChannels builder factory is provided. The following example shows how to use it:

public PriorityChannelSpec priorityChannel() {
    return MessageChannels.priority(this.mongoDbChannelMessageStore, "priorityGroup")

相同的 MessageChannels`生成器工厂可用于 `channel()`EIP 方法从 `IntegrationFlowBuilder`布线端点,类似于在 XML 配置中布线 `input-channel/output-channel`对。默认情况下,端点使用 `DirectChannel`实例进行布线,其中 bean 名称基于以下模式:[IntegrationFlow.beanName].channel#。该规则也适用于通过内联 `MessageChannels`生成器工厂用​​法生成的未命名通道。但是,所有 `MessageChannels`方法都有一个变体,它知道您可以用来设置 `MessageChannel`实例的 bean 名称的 `channelId。`MessageChannel`引用和 `beanName`可用作 bean 方法调用。以下示例显示了使用 `channel()`EIP 方法的可能方式:

The same MessageChannels builder factory can be used in the channel() EIP method from IntegrationFlowBuilder to wire endpoints, similar to wiring an input-channel/output-channel pair in the XML configuration. By default, endpoints are wired with DirectChannel instances where the bean name is based on the following pattern: [IntegrationFlow.beanName].channel#[channelNameIndex]. This rule is also applied for unnamed channels produced by inline MessageChannels builder factory usage. However, all MessageChannels methods have a variant that is aware of the channelId that you can use to set the bean names for MessageChannel instances. The MessageChannel references and beanName can be used as bean-method invocations. The following example shows the possible ways to use the channel() EIP method:

public QueueChannelSpec queueChannel() {
    return MessageChannels.queue();

public PublishSubscribeChannelSpec<?> publishSubscribe() {
    return MessageChannels.publishSubscribe();

public IntegrationFlow channelFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlow.from("input")
                .channel(MessageChannels.executor("executorChannel", this.taskExecutor))
  • from("input") means "'find and use the MessageChannel with the "input" id, or create one'".

  • fixedSubscriberChannel() produces an instance of FixedSubscriberChannel and registers it with a name of

  • channel("queueChannel") works the same way but uses an existing queueChannel bean.

  • channel(publishSubscribe()) is the bean-method reference.

  • channel(MessageChannels.executor("executorChannel", this.taskExecutor)) is the IntegrationFlowBuilder that exposes IntegrationComponentSpec to the ExecutorChannel and registers it as executorChannel.

  • channel("output") registers the DirectChannel bean with output as its name, as long as no beans with this name already exist.

注意:前面的 IntegrationFlow 定义有效,并且其所有通道都使用 BridgeHandler 实例应用到端点。

Note: The preceding IntegrationFlow definition is valid, and all of its channels are applied to endpoints with BridgeHandler instances.

请务必通过 MessageChannels 工厂从不同的 IntegrationFlow 实例使用相同的内联通道定义。即使 DSL 解析器将不存在的对象注册为 Bean,它也无法从不同的 IntegrationFlow 容器确定相同对象 (MessageChannel)。以下示例有误:

Be careful to use the same inline channel definition through MessageChannels factory from different IntegrationFlow instances. Even if the DSL parser registers non-existent objects as beans, it cannot determine the same object (MessageChannel) from different IntegrationFlow containers. The following example is wrong:

public IntegrationFlow startFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlow.from("input")

public IntegrationFlow endFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlow.from(MessageChannels.queue("queueChannel"))


The result of that bad example is the following exception:

Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException:
Could not register object [queueChannel] under bean name 'queueChannel':
     there is already object [queueChannel] bound
	    at o.s.b.f.s.DefaultSingletonBeanRegistry.registerSingleton(

为了让它正常工作,您需要为该通道声明 @Bean,并从不同的 IntegrationFlow 实例使用其 bean 方法。

To make it work, you need to declare @Bean for that channel and use its bean method from different IntegrationFlow instances.