Service Activator

Service Activator 是将任何 Spring 管理的对象连接到输入通道的端点类型,以便它可以发挥 service 的作用。如果 service 产生输出,则也可以将其连接到输出通道。或者,输出生成服务可以位于处理管道或消息流的末端,在这种情况下,可以使用入站消息的 replyChannel 标头。如果没有定义输出通道,则这是默认行为。与此处描述的大多数配置选项一样,相同的行为实际上适用于大多数其他组件。

The service activator is the endpoint type for connecting any Spring-managed object to an input channel so that it may play the role of a service. If the service produces output, it may also be connected to an output channel. Alternatively, an output-producing service may be located at the end of a processing pipeline or message flow, in which case the inbound message’s replyChannel header can be used. This is the default behavior if no output channel is defined. As with most of the configuration options described here, the same behavior actually applies for most of the other components.

Service Activator 本质上是一个通用端点,用于使用输入消息(有效负载和标头)调用某个对象上的方法。其内部逻辑基于 MessageHandlerMessageHandler 可以是针对特定用例的任何可能的实现,例如 DefaultMessageSplitterAggregatingMessageHandlerSftpMessageHandlerJpaOutboundGateway 等。因此,此参考手册中提到的任何出站网关和出站通道适配器都应视为此服务激活器端点的特定扩展;它们最终都会调用某个对象的方法。

The service activator is essentially a generic endpoint for calling a method on some object with an input message (payload and headers). Its internal logic is based on a MessageHandler which can be any possible implementation for a specific use-case, for example DefaultMessageSplitter, AggregatingMessageHandler, SftpMessageHandler, JpaOutboundGateway etc. Therefore, any outbound gateway and outbound channel adapter mentioned in this reference manual should be treated as a specific extension of this service activator endpoint; they all, in the end, call some object’s method.

Configuring Service Activator

使用 Java 和注释配置时,只需使用 @ServiceActivator 注释标记相应服务方法即可,当消息从输入通道消费时,框架将调用该方法:

With Java & Annotation configuration, it is sufficient to mark the respective service method with the @ServiceActivator annotation - and the framework calls it when messages are consumed from an input channel:

public class SomeService {

    @ServiceActivator(inputChannel = "exampleChannel")
    public void exampleHandler(SomeData payload) {


Annotation Support 中查看更多信息。

See more information in the Annotation Support.

对于 Java、Groovy 或 Kotlin DSL,IntegrationFlow.handle() 运算符表示 Service Activator:

For Java, Groovy or Kotlin DSLs, the .handle() operator of an IntegrationFlow represents a service activator:

  • Java DSL

  • Kotlin DSL

  • Groovy DSL

public IntegrationFlow someFlow() {
    return IntegrationFlow
             .handle(someService, "exampleHandler")
fun someFlow() =
    integrationFlow("exampleChannel") {
        handle(someService, "exampleHandler")
someFlow() {
    integrationFlow 'exampleChannel',
                handle someService, 'exampleHandler'

请参阅各个章节中有关 DSL 的更多信息:

See more information about the DSLs in the respective chapters:

若要在使用 XML 配置时创建 Service Activator,请使用带有 input-channelref 属性的 service-activator 元素,如下面的示例所示:

To create a service activator when using XML configuration, use the 'service-activator' element with the 'input-channel' and 'ref' attributes, as the following example shows:

<int:service-activator input-channel="exampleChannel" ref="exampleHandler"/>

前面的配置选择 exampleHandler 中符合下列消息要求的所有方法:

The preceding configuration selects all the methods from the exampleHandler that meet one of the messaging requirements, which are as follows:

  • annotated with @ServiceActivator

  • is public

  • not return void if requiresReply == true

通过其 payload 类型为运行时的调用目标方法选择,如果目标类存在这种方法,则作为后备选择 Message<?> 类型。

The target method for invocation at runtime is selected for each request message by their payload type or as a fallback to the Message<?> type if such a method is present on target class.

从 5.0 版开始,一个服务方法可以通过 {@org.springframework.integration.annotation.Default} 标记为所有不匹配情况的后备。在使用 { content-type conversion}(当目标方法在转化后被调用)时,这可能很有用。

Starting with version 5.0, one service method can be marked with the @org.springframework.integration.annotation.Default as a fallback for all non-matching cases. This can be useful when using content-type conversion with the target method being invoked after conversion.

要委派给任何对象的明确定义的方法,您可以添加 method 属性,如下面的示例所示:

To delegate to an explicitly defined method of any object, you can add the method attribute, as the following example shows:

<int:service-activator input-channel="exampleChannel" ref="somePojo" method="someMethod"/>

在这两种情况下,当服务方法返回非空值时,端点尝试将回复消息发送到合适的回复通道。要确定回复通道,它首先检查是否在端点配置中提供了 output-channel,如下面的示例所示:

In either case, when the service method returns a non-null value, the endpoint tries to send the reply message to an appropriate reply channel. To determine the reply channel, it first checks whether an output-channel was provided in the endpoint configuration, as the following example shows:

<int:service-activator input-channel="exampleChannel" output-channel="replyChannel"
                       ref="somePojo" method="someMethod"/>

如果该方法返回一个结果,并且未定义 output-channel,那么框架会检查请求消息的 replyChannel 标头值。如果该值可用,那么它会检查其类型。如果它是一个 MessageChannel,则回复消息将发送到该通道。如果它是一个 String,那么端点尝试将通道名称解析到一个通道实例。如果无法解析该通道,则会抛出 DestinationResolutionException。如果可以解析,则消息将发送到那里。如果请求消息没有 replyChannel 标头,并且 reply 对象是一个 Message,则会查阅它的 replyChannel 标头查找目标目的地。这是 Spring Integration 中请求-回复消息使用的技术,它也是返回地址模式的一个示例。

If the method returns a result and no output-channel is defined, the framework then checks the request message’s replyChannel header value. If that value is available, it then checks its type. If it is a MessageChannel, the reply message is sent to that channel. If it is a String, the endpoint tries to resolve the channel name to a channel instance. If the channel cannot be resolved, a DestinationResolutionException is thrown. If it can be resolved, the message is sent there. If the request message does not have a replyChannel header and the reply object is a Message, its replyChannel header is consulted for a target destination. This is the technique used for request-reply messaging in Spring Integration, and it is also an example of the return address pattern.

如果你的方法返回一个结果,且你想丢弃该结果并结束流程,你应该配置 output-channel 来发送到一个 NullChannel。为了方便起见,该框架使用 nullChannel 这个名称注册了一个。有关更多信息,请参见 Special Channels

If your method returns a result, and you want to discard it and end the flow, you should configure the output-channel to send to a NullChannel. For convenience, the framework registers one with the name, nullChannel. See Special Channels for more information.

服务激活器是不必生成回复消息的那些组件之一。如果您的方法返回 null 或者具有 void 返回类型,那么服务激活器会在不发出任何信号的情况下在方法调用后退出。此行为可由 AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler.requiresReply 选项控制,在使用 XML 命名空间进行配置时,它还公开为 requires-reply。如果将该标志设为 true,并且该方法返回 null,则会抛出 ReplyRequiredException

The service activator is one of those components that is not required to produce a reply message. If your method returns null or has a void return type, the service activator exits after the method invocation, without any signals. This behavior can be controlled by the AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler.requiresReply option, which is also exposed as requires-reply when configuring with the XML namespace. If the flag is set to true and the method returns null, a ReplyRequiredException is thrown.

服务方法中的参数既可以是一个消息,也可以是一个任意类型。如果是后者,则认为它是一个消息负载,其从消息中提取并注入到服务方法中。我们通常建议这种方法,因为它遵循和促进在使用 Spring Integration 时使用 POJO 模型。如 Annotation Support 所述,参数也可以有 @Header@Headers 注释。

The argument in the service method could be either a message or an arbitrary type. If the latter, then it is assumed to be a message payload, which is extracted from the message and injected into the service method. We generally recommend this approach, as it follows and promotes a POJO model when working with Spring Integration. Arguments may also have @Header or @Headers annotations, as described in Annotation Support.

服务方法不需要有任何参数,这意味着你可以实现事件样式的服务激活器(在其中你所关心的只是服务方法的调用),而不用担心消息的内容。将其视为一个 null JMS 消息。对于此实现的一个示例用例是简单地计算或监视沉积在输入通道上的消息。

The service method is not required to have any arguments, which means you can implement event-style service activators (where all you care about is an invocation of the service method) and not worry about the contents of the message. Think of it as a null JMS message. An example use case for such an implementation is a simple counter or monitor of messages deposited on the input channel.

从版本 4.1 开始,框架正确地将消息属性(payloadheaders)转换为 Java 8 Optional POJO 方法参数,如下面的示例所示:

Starting with version 4.1, the framework correctly converts message properties (payload and headers) to the Java 8 Optional POJO method parameters, as the following example shows:

public class MyBean {
    public String computeValue(Optional<String> payload,
               @Header(value="foo", required=false) String foo1,
               @Header(value="foo") Optional<String> foo2) {
        if (payload.isPresent()) {
            String value = payload.get();
        else {


如果自定义服务激活器处理程序实现可以在其他 <service-activator> 定义中重复使用,我们通常建议使用 ref 属性。但是,如果自定义服务激活器处理程序实现仅在 <service-activator> 的单个定义中使用,您可以提供一个内部 Bean 定义,如下面的示例所示:

We generally recommend using a ref attribute if the custom service activator handler implementation can be reused in other <service-activator> definitions. However, if the custom service activator handler implementation is only used within a single definition of the <service-activator>, you can provide an inner bean definition, as the following example shows:

<int:service-activator id="exampleServiceActivator" input-channel="inChannel"
            output-channel = "outChannel" method="someMethod">
    <beans:bean class="org.something.ExampleServiceActivator"/>

在同一 <service-activator> 配置中使用 ref 属性和内部处理程序定义是不可行的,因为它会创建模棱两可的情况并导致抛出异常。

Using both the ref attribute and an inner handler definition in the same <service-activator> configuration is not allowed, as it creates an ambiguous condition and results in an exception being thrown.

如果 ref 属性引用扩展 AbstractMessageProducingHandler 的 bean(例如框架自身提供的处理程序),则通过将输出通道直接注入处理程序来优化配置。在这种情况下,每个 ref 都必须是单独的 bean 实例(或 prototype 范围的 bean)或使用内部 <bean/> 配置类型。如果你不小心从多个 bean 引用同一个消息处理程序,你会得到一个配置异常。

If the ref attribute references a bean that extends AbstractMessageProducingHandler (such as handlers provided by the framework itself), the configuration is optimized by injecting the output channel into the handler directly. In this case, each ref must be to a separate bean instance (or a prototype-scoped bean) or use the inner <bean/> configuration type. If you inadvertently reference the same message handler from multiple beans, you get a configuration exception.

Service Activators and the Spring Expression Language (SpEL)

自 Spring Integration 2.0 以来,服务激活器还可以受益于 SpEL

Since Spring Integration 2.0, service activators can also benefit from SpEL.

例如,您可以调用任何 bean 方法,而不指向 ref 属性中的 bean 或将其包含为内部 bean 定义,如下所示:

For example, you can invoke any bean method without pointing to the bean in a ref attribute or including it as an inner bean definition, as follows:

<int:service-activator input-channel="in" output-channel="out"
	expression="@accountService.processAccount(payload, headers.accountId)"/>

	<bean id="accountService" class="thing1.thing2.Account"/>

在前面的配置中,我们没有使用 ref 或内部 bean 注入 accountService,而是使用 SpEL 的 @beanId 符号调用采用与消息负载兼容的类型的某个方法。我们还传递了一个标头值。任何有效的 SpEL 表达式都可以针对消息中的任何内容求值。对于简单场景,如果所有逻辑都可以封存在这种表达式中,那么您的服务激活器不必引用 bean,如下面的示例所示:

In the preceding configuration, instead of injecting 'accountService' by using a ref or as an inner bean, we use SpEL’s @beanId notation and invoke a method that takes a type compatible with the message payload. We also pass a header value. Any valid SpEL expression can be evaluated against any content in the message. For simple scenarios, your service activators need not reference a bean if all logic can be encapsulated in such an expression, as the following example shows:

<int:service-activator input-channel="in" output-channel="out" expression="payload * 2"/>

在前面的配置中,我们的服务逻辑是将负载值乘以 2。SpEL 让我们相对轻松地处理它。

In the preceding configuration, our service logic is to multiply the payload value by two. SpEL lets us handle it relatively easily.

有关配置服务激活器的更多信息,请参见 Java DSL 一章中的 Service Activators and the .handle() method

See Service Activators and the .handle() method in the Java DSL chapter for more information about configuring service activator.

Asynchronous Service Activator

服务激活器由调用线程调用。如果输入通道是一个 SubscribableChannel,则这是一个上游线程,或者对于 PollableChannel 则是一个轮询线程。如果服务返回一个 CompletableFuture<?>,则默认操作是将该 CompletableFuture<?> 作为发送到输出(或回复)通道的消息的负载发送。从版本 4.3 开始,您现在可以将 async 属性设为 true(在使用 Java 配置时使用 setAsync(true))。如果在将 async 属性设为 true 时,服务返回一个 CompletableFuture<?>,则调用线程立即释放,并且在完成将来所需的线程(从服务内)上发送回复消息。这对于使用 PollableChannel 的长期运行服务尤其有利,因为轮询线程被释放以在框架内执行其他服务。

The service activator is invoked by the calling thread. This is an upstream thread if the input channel is a SubscribableChannel or a poller thread for a PollableChannel. If the service returns a CompletableFuture<?>, the default action is to send that as the payload of the message sent to the output (or reply) channel. Starting with version 4.3, you can now set the async attribute to true (by using setAsync(true) when using Java configuration). If the service returns a CompletableFuture<?> when this the async attribute is set to true, the calling thread is released immediately and the reply message is sent on the thread (from within your service) that completes the future. This is particularly advantageous for long-running services that use a PollableChannel, because the poller thread is released to perform other services within the framework.

如果服务用 Exception 完成将来,则会正常发生错误处理。如果存在,则会将 ErrorMessage 发送到 errorChannel 消息标头。否则,会将 ErrorMessage 发送到默认的 errorChannel(如果可用)。

If the service completes the future with an Exception, normal error processing occurs. An ErrorMessage is sent to the errorChannel message header, if present. Otherwise, an ErrorMessage is sent to the default errorChannel (if available).

从版本 6.1 开始,如果 AbstractMessageProducingHandler 的输出通道配置到 ReactiveStreamsSubscribableChannel,则默认情况下打开异步模式。如果处理程序结果不是反应性类型或 CompletableFuture<?>,则尽管有输出通道类型,仍然会发生常规回复生成流程。

Starting with version 6.1, if the output channel of the AbstractMessageProducingHandler is configured to a ReactiveStreamsSubscribableChannel, the async mode is turned on by default. If the handler result is not a reactive type or CompletableFuture<?>, then regular reply producing process happens despite the output channel type.

有关更多信息,还可以参见 Reactive Streams Support

See also Reactive Streams Support for more information.

Service Activator and Method Return Type

服务方法可以返回成为回复消息有效负载的任何类型。在此情况下,将创建一个新的 Message<?> 对象,并复制请求消息中的所有标头。当交互基于 POJO 方法调用时,这与大多数 Spring Integration MessageHandler 实现的工作方式相同。

The service method can return any type which becomes reply message payload. In this case a new Message<?> object is created and all the headers from a request message are copied. This works the same way for most Spring Integration MessageHandler implementations, when interaction is based on a POJO method invocation.

方法还可以返回一个完整的 Message<?> 对象。但是,请记住,与 transformers 不同的是,对于一个服务激活器,这个消息将通过复制请求消息中的标头进行修改(如果没有在返回的消息中存在标头)。因此,如果你的方法参数是一个 Message<?>,而且你在服务方法中复制了一些(但不是全部)现有标头,它们将重新出现在回复消息中。删除回复消息中的标头并不是服务激活器的职责,并且遵循松散耦合原则,最好在集成流中添加一个 HeaderFilter。或者,可以使用 Transformer 而不是服务激活器,但是,在这种情况下,在返回一个完整的 Message<?> 时,该方法将完全负责消息,包括复制请求消息标头(如果需要)。你必须确保保留重要的框架标头(例如,replyChannelerrorChannel),如果存在的话。

A complete Message<?> object can also be returned from the method. However, keep in mind that, unlike transformers, for a Service Activator this message will be modified by copying the headers from the request message if they are not already present in the returned message. So, if your method parameter is a Message<?> and you copy some, but not all, existing headers in your service method, they will reappear in the reply message. It is not a Service Activator responsibility to remove headers from a reply message and, pursuing the loosely-coupled principle, it is better to add a HeaderFilter in the integration flow. Alternatively, a Transformer can be used instead of a Service Activator but, in that case, when returning a full Message<?> the method is completely responsible for the message, including copying request message headers (if needed). You must ensure that important framework headers (e.g. replyChannel, errorChannel), if present, have to be preserved.