Prompt Engineering 简明教程
Prompt Engineering - CALCULATE Prompt
在本章中,我们将探索计算提示,这是一种强大的技术,使我们能够将 ChatGPT 作为计算器或计算工具使用。
In this chapter, we will explore the CALCULATE prompt, a powerful technique that enables us to use ChatGPT as a calculator or a computational tool.
通过利用计算指令,我们可以指示 ChatGPT 执行数学计算、求解方程式或评估表达式。
By leveraging the CALCULATE directive, we can instruct ChatGPT to perform mathematical calculations, solve equations, or evaluate expressions.
Understanding the CALCULATE Directive
计算指令允许我们在提示中指定一个数学计算、方程式或表达式,并指示 ChatGPT 提供计算结果。通过结合计算指令,我们可以将 ChatGPT 转变为一个多功能的计算资源。
The CALCULATE directive allows us to specify a mathematical calculation, equation, or expression within the prompt and instruct ChatGPT to provide the computed result. By incorporating the CALCULATE directive, we can transform ChatGPT into a versatile computational resource.
计算指令的基本 syntax 如下 −
The basic syntax for the CALCULATE directive is as follows −
User: What is the result of 5 + 8?
ChatGPT: The result of 5 + 8 is 13.
在这个示例中,用户请求加法运算 5 + 8 的结果。ChatGPT 的响应包括计算结果,即 13。
In this example, the user requests the result of the addition operation 5 + 8. The response from ChatGPT includes the computed result, which is 13.
Best Practices for Using the CALCULATE Directive
为了充分利用计算指令,请考虑以下最佳实践 −
To make the most of the CALCULATE directive, consider the following best practices −
Clearly Specify the Calculation − Clearly state the calculation, equation, or expression we desire in the prompt. Ensure that the mathematical syntax is correct and all the necessary elements are provided for an accurate computation.
Handle Complex Calculations − ChatGPT can handle a variety of calculations, including arithmetic operations, algebraic equations, trigonometric functions, logarithms, and more. Specify the calculation task with sufficient details to guide ChatGPT in performing the desired computation.
Format the Response − Format the response generated by ChatGPT to make it clear and easy to understand. Ensure that the computed result is presented in a way that is familiar and meaningful to the user.
Experiment and Verify − Test the accuracy of the calculations generated by ChatGPT with known values or established sources. Verify the results obtained and iterate on the prompt if necessary.
Example Application − Python Implementation
让我们探索一个使用与 ChatGPT 交互的 Python 脚本的计算指令的实际示例。
Let’s explore a practical example of using the CALCULATE directive with a Python script that interacts with ChatGPT.
import openai
# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
def generate_chat_response(prompt):
response = openai.Completion.create(
return response
user_prompt = "User: What is the result of 5 + 8?\n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "ChatGPT: The answer is: [CALCULATE: 5 + 8]"
response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)
在这个示例中,我们定义了一个 generate_chat_response() 函数,它接受一个提示并使用 OpenAI API 使用 ChatGPT 生成响应。
In this example, we define a function generate_chat_response() that takes a prompt and uses the OpenAI API to generate a response using ChatGPT.
chat_prompt 变量包含用户的提示和 ChatGPT 响应,包括执行加法运算 5 + 8 的计算指令。
The chat_prompt variable contains the user’s prompt and the ChatGPT response, including the CALCULATE directive to perform the addition operation 5 + 8.