Prompt Engineering 简明教程

Prompt Engineering - Finance Based Prompts

金融专业人士可以通过精心设计的提示使用 ChatGPT 来执行各种财务任务,例如财务分析、投资决策、风险管理等。通过使用基于财务的提示,金融专业人士可以做出数据驱动的决策并获得宝贵的见解以优化财务策略。在本章中,我们将探讨如何在金融领域应用提示工程。

Using Finance-Based Prompts for Financial Analysis

Screening Questions for Job Applicants − 金融专业人士可以使用 ChatGPT 来执行数据分析并从财务数据中获得见解。通过制定针对特定财务指标或趋势的提示,他们可以快速分析数据并做出明智的决策。

以下是一个 example

User: Can you provide insights into our company's revenue trends for the past year?
ChatGPT: Sure! Based on the financial data, the company's revenue has shown steady growth over the past year, with a noticeable increase in Q3. This growth can be attributed to successful product launches and increased customer acquisition efforts.

Financial Ratio Calculations − ChatGPT 可以协助计算财务比率,例如流动性比率、盈利能力比率和杠杆比率。金融专业人士可以使用提示来获取这些计算以评估公司的财务状况。

以下是一个 example

User: Can you calculate the current ratio for a company with current assets of $500,000 and current liabilities of $250,000?
ChatGPT: Certainly! The current ratio is calculated as follows:
Current Ratio = Current Assets / Current Liabilities
Current Ratio = $500,000 / $250,000
Current Ratio = 2

Investment Decisions and Risk Management

Investment Strategies and Portfolio Allocation − 金融专业人士可以使用 ChatGPT 探索不同的投资策略和投资组合配置选项。通过制定考虑风险承受能力、投资目标和市场状况的提示,他们可以做出明智的投资决策。

以下是一个 example

User: We have a moderate risk tolerance and aim for long-term growth. Can you suggest an investment portfolio allocation?
ChatGPT: Certainly! For a moderate risk tolerance with a focus on long-term growth, a balanced portfolio allocation could be considered:
- Equities: 60%
- Fixed Income: 30%
- Cash and Cash Equivalents: 10%

Risk Assessment and Mitigation Strategies − ChatGPT 可以协助评估和减轻财务风险。金融专业人士可以使用提示来分析潜在风险、评估其影响并制定风险管理策略。

以下是一个 example

User: We are considering expanding into international markets. What are the potential risks, and how can we mitigate them?
ChatGPT: Expanding into international markets may involve risks such as foreign exchange risk, political instability, and cultural differences.
To mitigate these risks, you can consider measures like hedging foreign exchange exposure, conducting thorough market research, and forming strategic partnerships with local businesses.

Best Practices for Finance-Based Prompts

要有效利用基于财务的提示,请考虑以下最佳实践 −

  1. Validate and Cross-Check Data − 虽然 ChatGPT 可以提供宝贵的见解,但金融专业人士应通过多个来源验证数据的准确性。

  2. Customize Prompts for Specific Financial Tasks − 为财务分析、投资决策、风险管理和财务计划定制提示。

  3. Utilize Sensitivity Analysis − 对于投资决策和风险评估,执行敏感性分析来衡量不同变量对结果的影响。

Example Application − Python Implementation

让我们探索一个使用指令与 ChatGPT 交互的 Python 脚本的实际示例。

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR-API-KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response

user_prompt = "User: Can you calculate the current ratio for a company with current assets of $500,000 and current liabilities of $250,000? \n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "[Finance Based Prompt]"

response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)


ChatGPT 将响应如下所示的输出 −

Yes, the current ratio for the company is 2:1, which is calculated by dividing the current assets ($500,000) by the current liabilities ($250,000).


