Prompt Engineering 简明教程

Prompt Engineering - Comparative Prompts

比较提示能让用户深入了解各种备选方案的优缺点,有助于决策和问题解决过程。在本章中,我们将探讨比较提示的概念及其在指导 ChatGPT 比较和对比不同选项、选择或场景中的应用。

What is Comparative Prompting?

比较提示涉及设计提示,指示 ChatGPT 比较和对比多种选项或场景。通过提供比较基础,用户可以获得明智的答案,帮助他们评估不同的选择。

Benefits of Comparative Prompting

比较提示提供了以下好处 −

  1. Informed Decision-Making − 用户可以通过获得不同选项的比较来做出明智的决定。

  2. Comprehensive Analysis − 该技术对每个选项或场景的优缺点进行了全面分析。

  3. Problem-Solving Aid − 比较指示可帮助用户评估应对问题或挑战的潜在解决方案的可行性。

Implementing Comparative Prompting

Designing Comparative Prompts − 要实施比较指示,请创建指定要比较的选项或场景的提示,并提供比较依据。以下是 example

User: Please evaluate my article on climate change and provide constructive feedback.

Model Interaction − 当 ChatGPT 遇到比较指示时,它会通过比较指定选项及其各自的优势和劣势作出回应。看看以下 example

User: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars and traditional gasoline cars.
ChatGPT: Electric cars offer lower emissions and reduced operating costs. However, they have limited driving range compared to gasoline cars. On the other hand, gasoline cars have a well-established refueling infrastructure but contribute to air pollution.

Multiple Criteria Comparison − 对于更复杂的决策,你可以指示 ChatGPT 根据多项标准比较选项,例如成本、性能或环境影响。以下是 example

User: Compare the performance, cost, and environmental impact of smartphones A and B.

Applications of Comparative Prompting

可以在各种场景中应用比较指示 −

  1. Product Comparison − 使用比较指示比较不同的产品或服务,以帮助消费者做出明智的选择。

  2. Business Strategy − 运用该技术评估不同的策略和方法,以便进行业务决策。

  3. Policy Analysis − 比较各种政策选项以分析其潜在影响和有效性。

Best Practices for Chain of Thought Prompting

要充分利用比较指示,请考虑以下最佳实践 −

  1. Clear Comparison Instructions − 创建指定要比较的选项和评估标准的提示。

  2. Comprehensive Analysis − 指示 ChatGPT 对每个选项的优点和缺点提供一个平衡的分析。

  3. Objective Criteria − 在比较选项时,使用客观的标准以确保评估不受偏见影响。

Example Application − Python Implementation

让我们探索一个使用指令与 ChatGPT 交互的 Python 脚本的实际示例。

import openai

# Set your API key here
openai.api_key = 'YOUR_API_KEY'

def generate_chat_response(prompt):
   response = openai.Completion.create(
   return response

user_prompt = "User: Compare the advantages and disadvantages of electric cars and traditional gasoline cars. \n"
chat_prompt = user_prompt + "[Comparative Prompting]"

response = generate_chat_response(chat_prompt)


Electric Cars:
- No emissions, making them more environmentally friendly
- Cheaper to run in the long run due to lower energy costs
- Quieter engines
- Initial cost is usually higher
- Less range than traditional cars and limited charging stations
- Takes longer to charge

Traditional Gasoline Cars:
- Cheaper upfront cost
- Wide availability of fuel
- Faster to fill up and drive
- Higher emissions
- Higher fuel costs
- Noisier engines



将比较指示融入与 ChatGPT 的交互中时,你可以期待获得有价值见解,支持你对不同选项的评估。