Prompt Engineering 简明教程

Prompt Engineering - Introduction

提示工程是制作文本提示的过程,用于帮助大型语言模型 (LLM) 生成更准确、更一致、更具创造性的输出。通过仔细选择提示中的单词和短语,提示工程师可以影响 LLM 解释任务和生成结果的方式。

Prompt engineering is the process of crafting text prompts that help large language models (LLMs) generate more accurate, consistent, and creative outputs. By carefully choosing the words and phrases in a prompt, prompt engineers can influence the way that an LLM interprets a task and the results that it produces.

What are Prompts?


In the context of AI models, prompts are input instructions or cues that shape the model’s response. These prompts can be in the form of natural language instructions, system-defined instructions, or conditional constraints.

  1. A prompt is a short piece of text that is used to guide an LLM’s response. It can be as simple as a single sentence, or it can be more complex, with multiple clauses and instructions.

  2. The goal of a prompt is to provide the LLM with enough information to understand what is being asked of it, and to generate a relevant and informative response.


By providing clear and explicit prompts, developers can guide the model’s behavior and influence the generated output.

Types of Prompts

在教程中,您将了解各种提示。作为介绍性章节,让我们从一小部分提示开始,来突出显示可以使用的不同类型的提示 −

There can be wide variety of prompts which you will get to know during the course of this tutorial. This being an introductory chapter, let’s start with a small set to highlight the different types of prompts that one can use −

  1. Natural Language Prompts − These prompts emulate human-like instructions, providing guidance in the form of natural language cues. They allow developers to interact with the model more intuitively, using instructions that resemble how a person would communicate.

  2. System Prompts − System prompts are predefined instructions or templates that developers provide to guide the model’s output. They offer a structured way of specifying the desired output format or behavior, providing explicit instructions to the model.

  3. Conditional Prompts − Conditional prompts involve conditioning the model on specific context or constraints. By incorporating conditional prompts, developers can guide the model’s behavior based on conditional statements, such as "If X, then Y" or "Given A, generate B."

How Does Prompt Engineering Work?

提示工程是一个复杂且迭代的过程。没有一个创建有效提示的统一公式,最佳方法会因特定的 LLM 和手头的任务而异。但是,提示工程师可以遵循一些通用原则 −

Prompt engineering is a complex and iterative process. There is no single formula for creating effective prompts, and the best approach will vary depending on the specific LLM and the task at hand. However, there are some general principles that prompt engineers can follow −

  1. Start with a clear understanding of the task − What do you want the LLM to do? What kind of output are you looking for? Once you have a clear understanding of the task, you can start to craft a prompt that will help the LLM achieve your goals.

  2. Use clear and concise language − The LLM should be able to understand your prompt without any ambiguity. Use simple words and phrases, and avoid jargon or technical terms.

  3. Be specific − The more specific you are in your prompt, the more likely the LLM is to generate a relevant and informative response. For example, instead of asking the LLM to "write a poem," you could ask it to "write a poem about a lost love."

  4. Use examples − If possible, provide the LLM with examples of the kind of output you are looking for. This will help the LLM to understand your expectations and to generate more accurate results.

  5. Experiment − There is no one-size-fits-all approach to prompt engineering. The best way to learn what works is to experiment with different prompts and see what results you get.

Evaluating and Validating Prompts


Evaluating prompt effectiveness is crucial to assess the model’s behavior and performance. Metrics such as output quality, relevance, and coherence can help evaluate the impact of different prompts. User feedback and human evaluation can provide valuable insights into prompt efficacy, ensuring the desired output is achieved consistently.

Ethical Considerations in Prompt Engineering


Prompt engineering should address ethical considerations to ensure fairness and mitigate biases. Designing prompts that promote inclusivity and diversity while avoiding the reinforcement of existing biases is essential.


Careful evaluation and monitoring of prompt impact on the model’s behavior can help identify and mitigate potential ethical risks.

Benefits of Prompt Engineering

提示工程可以成为改进 LLM 性能的有力工具。通过精心设计提示,提示工程师可以帮助 LLM 生成更准确、更一致、更有创造力的输出。这可能有利于各种应用程序,包括 −

Prompt engineering can be a powerful tool for improving the performance of LLMs. By carefully crafting prompts, prompt engineers can help LLMs to generate more accurate, consistent, and creative outputs. This can be beneficial for a variety of applications, including −

  1. Question answering − Prompt engineering can be used to improve the accuracy of LLMs' answers to factual questions.

  2. Creative writing − Prompt engineering can be used to help LLMs generate more creative and engaging text, such as poems, stories, and scripts.

  3. Machine translation − Prompt engineering can be used to improve the accuracy of LLMs' translations between languages.

  4. Coding − Prompt engineering can be used to help LLMs generate more accurate and efficient code.

Future Directions and Open Challenges


Prompt engineering is an evolving field, and there are ongoing research efforts to explore its potential further. Future directions may involve automated prompt generation techniques, adaptive prompts that evolve with user interactions, and addressing challenges related to nuanced prompts for complex tasks.

提示工程是在增强 AI 模型和实现所需输出方面的一个强大工具。通过采用有效的提示,开发人员可以指导 AI 模型的行为,控制偏见,并提高 AI 应用程序的整体性能和可靠性。

Prompt engineering is a powerful tool in enhancing AI models and achieving desired outputs. By employing effective prompts, developers can guide the behavior of AI models, control biases, and improve the overall performance and reliability of AI applications.

随着该领域的进步,对提示工程技术和最佳实践的持续探索将为更复杂且更具情境感知能力的 AI 模型铺平道路。

As the field progresses, continued exploration of prompt engineering techniques and best practices will pave the way for even more sophisticated and contextually aware AI models.