Python 简明教程

Python - Built-in Functions

Built-in Functions in Python?

Built-in functionsPython interpreter 中预定义的函数,您不需要导入任何模块即可使用它们。这些函数有助于对字符串、迭代器和数字执行各种操作。例如,诸如 sum()、min() 以及 max() 等内置函数用于简化数学运算。

Built-in functions are those functions that are pre-defined in the Python interpreter and you don’t need to import any module to use them. These functions help to perform a wide variety of operations on strings, iterators, and numbers. For instance, the built-in functions like sum(), min(), and max() are used to simplify mathematical operations.

How to Use Built-in Function in Python?

要在您的代码中使用 built-in functions ,只需在括号内传递所需的 parameters (如果需要)来调用特定的函数即可。由于这些函数是预定义的,因此您无需导入任何模块或软件包。

To use built-in functions in your code, simply call the specific function by passing the required parameter (if any) inside the parentheses. Since these functions are pre-defined, you don’t need to import any module or package.

Example of Using Built-in Functions


Consider the following example demonstrating the use of built-in functions in your code:

# Using print() and len() function

text = "Tutorials Point"

print(len(text)) # Prints 15

在上面的示例中,我们使用了两个内置函数 print() 和 len()。

In the above example, we are using two built-in functions print() and len().

List of Python Built-in Functions

从 Python 3.12.2 版本起,内置函数列表如下 −

As of Python 3.12.2 version, the list of built-in functions is given below −

Built-in Mathematical Functions

还有一些仅用于执行 Python 中数学运算的附加内置函数,它们如下所列 −

There are some additional built-in functions that are used for performing only mathematical operations in Python, they are listed below −

Advantages of Using Built-in Functions


The following are the advantages of using built-in functions:

  1. The use of the built-in functions simplifies and reduces the code length and enhances the readability of the code.

  2. Instead of writing the same logic repeatedly, you can use these functions across different sections of the program. This not only saves time but also helps in maintaining consistency of code.

  3. These functions provide a wide range of functionalities including mathematical operations, datatype conversion, and performing operations on iterators.

  4. These functions have descriptive names that make the code easier to understand and maintain. Developers need not write additional complex code for performing certain operations.

Frequently Asked Questions about Built-in Functions

How do I handle errors with built-in functions?

在使用内置函数时,您可能会遇到错误,并且可以使用 try-except 块来处理这些错误。这可能有助于您识别错误类型和引发的异常。

While working with built-in functions, you may encounter errors and to handle those errors you can use the try-except blocks. This may help you identify the type of error and exceptions raised.

Can we extend the functionality of built-in functions?


Yes, we can extend the functionality of built-in functions by using it with other methods and by applying your logic as per the need. However, it will not affect the pre-defined feature of the used function.

Can I create my built-in functions?

不,您不能创建自己的内置函数。但是,Python 允许用户创建用户自定义函数。

No, you cannot create your built-in function. But, Python allows a user to create user-defined functions.

How do I use built-in functions?


Using a built-in function is very simple, call it by its name followed by parentheses, and pass the required arguments inside the parentheses.